PS4 Predator ranking List

Oh boy here i go with that list but first…

DISCLAIMER : first of all the following ranking haven’t being made in one day, but i have take 10 days of gaming for that, also i havent use the old good; "oh i have win that pred suck" or “oh i have lost that predator is great” no, i have gone in a bit of depth than that for being more just with other predator player and since the actual game balance (wait wha balance? what i am smoking) is extremely in favor of the FT, i decided to go with 5 criteria who are the following :

  • AIM : yes it is important if you are predator who use more than 2 braincell and do not simply charge and spam the melee button of your console. knowing where to engage the fireteam, what target you will focus first when you fire your plasma and bow shot at the FT and slowly drain them of their medkit/medpack

  • Priorities : what are your priorities when you start the match? going straigth for the FT, find the renforcement point, destroy every medkit/amo crates on the map for not allow the FT to replinish themself before they arrive to the next mission point etc, etc.

  • Hunting skills : a bit more tricky to explain but i see that like this: how are you going to approache the fireteam? cloak on? cloak off? kill some pig before engage the FT? trying to not use often your thermal vision because its extremely loud and easy to hear? chose the perfect angle for sniped the amo crates you left as bait and instant down multiple FT replinashing their amo?..etc etc.

  • Logic : how do you react logically to certain situation such as : the Fireteam have putted you in second wind or you are in extremely low health what are you going to do? heal next or in front of the Fireteam? run a bit further away for not being bothered by the FT? the FT are going to renforce far from their mission point what do you do? run after them hopping to them to renforce? destroy the annoying amo crates they have left behind on the emplacement of their mission? wiat for them to come back and ambush them?

  • Class and gears : the capacity of the predator player to use his classe and gears/weapons at his disposale to the full extent of their potential.

all of those criteria will be noted from 0 to 5 them the predator will receive an overrall note that will allow to receive one of the following ranks: Unblooded, Youngblood, Blooded, Veterant, Elite, Elder, Apex. of course since i am a bit of an ass special ranks have been assigned as well. so with no further delay here come my LIST:

  • Elites:

but more seriously i didnt find any sorry :c
  • Veterant : VI_MARK_YT

  • Blooded :Renegade707 , II_Montana_II, Yungjay_JB23, ADog953, Robocop3686, Jnlplus4, Jcarlos7482, Ositomanosito-74

  • Youngblood: Martyrgaming, SebMccool97, Alie3010, Robocop371,crisminal97, stuffmushin, osamakhalid18, Darkslayer487, Juperocks, Papiellas1821, Byrne_, Extrem93, Banvichiki, Aidantower, Mastrid_14, Monkey_clause, red_dottee-913, Johnnydragon82

  • Unblooded: Asens, Lukas20120, Penrose831

hmmm…i have forget something…OH RIGHT! SPECIAL MENTION!!!

  • SMASH THAT MELEE BUTTON BOYYYYYYY : Moutroyalman, KYR_PR3DATOR, alexmaj93, the5bfamilly

yes those above are the pred who only go full melee and die in less than a minute.

again that list is only my personal opinion, every predator mentioned here could have evolved and become better with time, we have all the potential to improve so for those pred, you can always become better and for the FT who will face them, do not play cocky and dont underestimate them!


I Also want to send a great shout out to my teams on playstation!

Veterant: WillYouSaveMe

Blooded: KingsDonkeyButt, DanteDesabre, FetusPunch

YoungBlood: Dexter, Scarface_1983, RiktigRisog, Vargaresa

Unblooded: ADISnap, DefaultPlayer, DefaultPlayer462, DefaultPlayer256, LordPalpatine

MELEE BUTTON BOYY : PotatoGod, PotatoFarmer_256

Thnk you! You are all victims and winners!


There was but one in the Elites, but he plays Cyberpunk now, alas sigh

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Where’s my name

I’m batman

XD sorry man i didn’t fight you this last 10 days ;)

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thats my reason too.

Back in my prime I believe I was the best predator player I’ve ever seen. But I don’t play the game enough anymore. @DisturbedLlama what do you think?

Yeah yeah

Yeah I haven’t seen y’all yet either I only play pred when my squad ain’t on

But I rarely lose, I’ve only lost once all weekend

I believe @Batman1 Is actually Batman.

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I’m not on PS lol…and I never play as pred wth.!

Ironically enough that actually isn’t me.
My PSN is a joint account, It should either show up as Siege-Bobcat or A Rose.
Oh, wait it’s just a clone.

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Is Team X Elite a joke to you? (its just a joke, I know you are only going on preds you’ve versed).

Also, I think there should be 2 more subcategories, Melee Masters and Ranged Rampagers.
Melee Masters almost exclusively use melee, but are extremely proficient with it and will absolutely destroy the FT!
Ranged Rampagers almost exclusively use ranged, but again, are extremely proficient with it and will destroy the FT!

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Actually yes they are a joke to me since I am the Senate. . . . Wait wrong script

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Star Wars: The Forum Wars Intensifies

Good my pred is still going under the radar 😉


Yeah I mean purely off of landing every single combi throw you were by far the hardest predator I’ve went against. I mean now and then we might get one over on you if you were fucking around but when you went full combi throw we were just fucked lol

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@drugstor799 is probably the best Pred I’ve encountered on console. Still no match against a 3 or even 2 PCDS team if the players are really good, though I don’t blame the player, I blame the platform they use. Is understandable that consoles are at an unfair disadvantage on this poorly optimized game