PS4 Tournament Rule Balance Update

Due to falling behind schedule and a large number of additions to the game mid tournament, this post will detail New FT Restrictions and a Predator Exception specific to Season 1: Season of Unblooded.

The following Fireteam Items are Banned for Season 1: Season of Unblooded on the grounds that these items were introduced in the middle of the Tournament and it would not be fair to smush these gameplay changing items into the Tournament.

-Fireteam Class:

Dutch ('87)

-Fireteam Weapons:

Mercenary Rifle

O.W.L.F Pitbull

-Fireteam Gear:

Self-Revive Syringe

UAV Scanner

A.C.G (Anti-Cloak-Gernade)

-Predator Exception:
Due to the Wrist Launcher Gear Item having launched with the City Hunter ('97) Class a fair number of days before the start of the Tournament, the now globally available Wrist Launcher Gear Item is granted to be used by any Predator Class in the future upcoming matches of Season 1: Season of Unblooded.