PS4 Version Keeps Crashing


i am on ps5 and also on this platform or console its un(fucking)playeble it keeps crashing pred laged out fireteam doest fil up or get kicked and lagged out
pregame brings you back to loading screen

havent got any good match

please FIX !!!

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Same on ps5 crashed all morning.


Man as soon as I got home today from work I just wanted to relax and hunt… After 3 attempts as Pred, the game would crash in pregame lobby or as soon as the match started.
I think the hot fix they did to the lockers might have broken something.
The game is literally unplayable.

This was my second lobby crash. Tried 2, crashed 2. Game deleted until hot fix. @Courier @OldKingHamlet great last few updates, which are now totally useless. A year in and the development team can’t make the game function. Why are any of us still here??

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because the idea of the game is awsome :D

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Perhaps it’s a problem with Epic games?
Epic games are causing a bad connection. Maybe turning off crossplay and disconnecting from Epic will work?

My friend from Las Vegas Nevada and I tried to play Predator Hunting Grounds and we were met with in game crashes, game freezing, cyber bugs, and blue screens. We play the PS4 version of the game. I bought PHG over a month ago and I’ve never experienced this annoying inconvenience. At first I thought it was my internet modem or my PS4. After rebuilding the database of my PS4, deleating plus re-downloading and rebooting my internet modem I quickly found out the issue was with the game itself. Perhaps due to the new 2.14 update patch. Should I check the game once an hour?

Yeah that might work , only if you have time inbetween posting hard-core porn on public forums though , dont strain yourself

It might be the overzealous amounts of porn he’s streaming all at once which is causing him connection issues lol.

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I dread to think 🤣