Push to talk, Controller mapping, hide hud option, OWLF Operative

BUG REPPORT + minor life improvement suggestions


  • When using push to talk on controller/console im not able to use push to talk button (arrow down) in menu, mission briefing and match final scoreboard.
    (This could be fixed with my siggestion bellow to add “Hold button” option for controller mapping.) (Bug)


  • Add option to bind multiple options to one button. (Suggestion)
  • Add option to map separate actions to: “click” button and “Hold” button.
    For example:
    arrow down (click) - change fire mode on weapon.
    Arrow down (Hold) push to talk. (Suggestion)

HIDE HUD (HUD/EVERYTHING) (bug and suggestion)

  • When using either of those two options, player is not able to use/choose weapon from weapon wheel or phrase from mimicry wheel as Predator (Bug)
    tested in Tutorial as Jungle Hunter 87
  • in option HIDE HUD should be weapon wheel and mimicry wheel visible. And when player switch to HIDE EVERYTHING, weapon wheel and mimicry wheel shouldnt be visible. (Suggestion)

OWLF Skin/color equip (Bug)

  • Im not able to choose/change different color on OWLF Operative, than Default. Checked mark for equiped does not show at any of curent options including default. (Bug)

My system/console: PS4 PRO

How do i know that Devs saw my post here?


I had this for months and just fixed it this weekend.

Unfortunately you have to delete your saved game data (it deletes all settings and loadouts) when you go to make your loadout again it should be fixed


Oh, Thanks! Also how do i know that Devs saw my post here?

You can be pretty confident they did but there’s no way to be really 100% sure unless they respond

Bump @OldKingHamlet