Question: Can a Epic PC player play with a PS4 Console Player?

I’m asking for my friend and I, I’m not sure if I have to do something special same way I do for people on steam.

Yeah you can. If you’ve already linked your account with Epic Games then just download Fortnite and add the Epic Players through that.

Wait what about steam? Sorry I mistaken the account

I think it would still work.

Okay I’m trying to help my friend but it’s difficult bc I don’t know how

Oh I don’t know of any way a PS player can play with a Steam player unless they both link to an Epic Games account and then add their respective Epic accounts in which case I would assume that’s how it works.

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All crossplay on this game is done through Epic. If you wanna play with anyone outside of your platform, you will both need to create an Epic account and link it to the game.

Pretty much the same way Fortnite and Rocket League works


SkooLBoY_SkePtiK did HOWTO, scroll down on this page:


I would have thought you had your own landline into illfonic HQ?

Thanks we got it figured out now


Wouldn’t that be amazing

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