Question for the community.

As for the question. Um, no? I genuinely like the game and I don’t get tiresome of it. I don’t wear myself out from the game from playing it all day because frankly, why would I do that? I’d want to play something else. This isn’t me saying that P:HG is bad, this is me saying why would you want to play the same damn game for a long period of time unless you really wanted a Speedrun or just have a good time with a Premade. I want to support the developers as they support this game. Everyone says Illfonic lazy this, Illfonic bad that. Imagine if they left the game in it’s Launch State, yeah, definitely would have been a cash grab no?

All this talk about being bored of the game really gets me thinking about another thing.

If this is game is boring you, then maybe it shouldn’t be your main game. Go play another game. No one is forcing you to play. The entire selling point behind a Asymmetrical Game is the gameplay, the rush, the quick pace of matches regardless of how long it takes to get there because Player-Made Problems.

The minute you want to get frustrated at us over your own “contributions” and call yourself the one that “truly sees” is when I can just say that you’re just frustrated and need a break.

Just either do it professionally or let the game stand on it’s own cruddy legs. Theres no point throwing bones to pick in this forum. franky i consider it a waste of brain power. You can’t try to grab Ilfonic by the balls by stirring the community by swaying a communities thoughts or emotions. Because I see thats what alot of people want to do. Buff this, nerf that, make charts, sign a petition!

To me, its an act of desperation by desperate individuals who don’t lay claim to peoples views- just passive agreements. They should spend their time on their lives.

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thousands of hours in halo, gmod, siege, csgo, warframe, and some others that I havent played in so long I dont remember. You can play a game for thousands of hours, but that doesnt mean they are designed for it. Just means you really like the game, or parts of the game.


I guess you can say rocket league was design to continously improve in it and at the end go pro… which i did but retired lol


Alright Ive seen enough. Glad you dont see the game as I do.