Quick claims are too quick

If the team makes mistakes then yes it’s very quick. If the team is there and they try and quick claim they are getting second winded for it every single time

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If you went for a quick claim wile 3 players are watching there buddy your getting second wind end of story I don’t even claim till there all down anymore


So pred can beartrap your downed teammates while you watch and despair.
But seriously once you’re downed you’re just a liability. That’s how it works. How many second chances do you think you’re entitled to? If you get quick claimed its because either you messed up or your team left you. It’s a miracle fireteam members can be downed 4 times before they actually die.


But it also makes the match a lil bit longer

Yeah. You can see in the video. They try to shoot as I claim right in front of them. Usually a single player might do about 25 to 30 percent of my health if they have average aim.

From what I saw in the beginning of said video they were panicking rabbits, definitely not like the teams I’ve faced, the ones I face work cohesively and can almost second wind me while I’m doing a quick claim.


Generally speaking one player can literally take medium to big chunk of your HP which is around 20% yeah… now if you multiply other people ganging up on you… they will most certanly shoot you as well… and add a knife to the play… BOOM you are in second wind

Well this obviously isn’t true. Multiple examples in the video. The only time I got second winded, I started the claim with only about 25% health.

Ok so if anyone posts a video of QUICK CLAIMS ARENT QUICK ENOUGH and its just them getting melted by smgs during quick claims will that satisfy you?


not one parry… PS4 players… seen better from AI

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One thing all preds and ft must acknowledge: everyone experiences different things, in the first segment if the other 3 were smart and rushed you with knives like a cohesive unit they would’ve smashed you into next Tuesday


The difference of time between long claim which is too long and the quick claim which is too short is just dumb. Another thing to balance for illfonic !

Pls stop using cancer in the forum, it doesn’t make your point more valid. And I’d say that the time it take to do the motion of pulling out a spine in 2 sec is pretty instant.

It makes the bleed out completely useless as the pred always insta-kill the guy he just downed. Any good pred would never face tank and quick claim right in the middle of a fire team… that’s not hunting.

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No. As the majority have pointed out Quick claim is fine as is. Good FT’s absolutely punish Preds who do this in the open. Bad FT’s don’t. End of story.

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That’s absolutely something they don’t need to pay attention to. And if they did, it’s way down at the end of the list, near boar fur texture and Predator toenail length.

Sure, I’d be curious to know how many of these people are predator mains vs FT mains though. If your poll is biased at start you will never have a representative answer…

I can’t repeat myself enough, the predators are very strong and people need to step their game up. If you give a shitty gameplay to the preys you won’t have preys soon.

As a Pred main, I would never run in against a good FT the way he did. All those videos were trash FT teams, a coordinated team would have been teabagging him 5 seconds later…


And if u nerf the Pred any more than what he already is you’ll have nothing to be hunted by. It’s a delicate balance. The problem with most FT members is they want to be able to kill the Predator BY THEMSELVES. That’s not how an Asym should work. And for arguments sake, a lot of the ppl who were calling for massive Pred buffs wanted to be able to tank all 4 FT members.

True, the balancing shouldn’t be in favor of nerfing. My only complain as a FT member is that there’s not a lot of opportunities to work as a real team. Both pred player and FT players highlighted the fact that in most games FT members are just playing by themselves like headless chickens… Preventing the pred from quick claiming a FT member so easily could have been one of those opportunities.

Oh I agree. I claim I’m a Predator main but my game time is split fairly evenly between the two and it can be INCREDIBLY frustrating not having a cooperative team, but the game shouldn’t compensate for that. I have plenty of ways of finding a good team. Either by coming here and setting something up or via the options with the PSN, etc. A well balanced Asym game takes teamwork by the Multi role in order to be successful. If you alter that balance to where one multi role player is nearly as strong as the power role, you’ve completely altered the balance. This is something DbD has been struggling with since its inception.