Quick question

Yall ever try to melee into a ranged weapon as pred, and the tracking from the melee makes your aim practically lock onto the FT member when trying to aim?


Lazy i just got raped by pc russian recon squad! My pred heart hurts

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I just got raped by a full pc squad too. Two surpressed snipers, and two lmgs, all supports/assaults.

tbh tho I was fighting preds controls more than the ft themselves that fight.

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Lmao its impossible

go look at my rant post lol. I just erupted.


Gears were grinded on this one.

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Shifologist has done a couple of videos going against them, they may be sweaty as hell but damn if they can snipe a mask off of a leaping Predator. Those boys are accurate AFā€¦and why my crossplay is OFF until I get better at being Pred. And @Lazy I totally feel you, if itā€™s not tracking Iā€™m fighting against its the ADS bug and lack of boarsā€¦

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Yeah I saw the videosā€¦ he is trained againts them as hellā€¦ I had scout pred and they camped rock on derailed so i just leap near to them and i was in second Wind lol then they catch me healingā€¦ Btw maybe its good challenge for anyone but for me its waste of time lolā€¦ Crossplay off again i guess šŸ˜

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Everything was against you in that match so donā€™t let it get you down; first you were Scout Class, the map was Derailed, they got to that fucking Sniper spot, were PC players and Russian Premadeā€¦ Nearly exact scenario in Shifoā€™s ā€œHow to Deal With Sweaty PC Sniperā€ video except he was running Elder, he was also on PC and even he got his ass spanked alot in that matchā€¦

Yeah they were russians all recon class šŸ˜after match they say ā€œnaic tRy dudā€ lmao

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