R2 Spam Attack Katana Bug

I’ve been using the katana and I must say it’s really good but there’s one little bug about it. It’s like the wristblade glitch where if you use the R2 attack then it’ll do another attack but a lot faster, you know what I’m talking? I’m bad at trying to describe it but the katana has that same exact bug and it’s ridiculously strong if you get it to happen. You can down a ft member so fast and leap away, thats really the only thing I gotta say about it so far

I think they’re intended to be that way as combos and when you chain together multiple RT attacks for each weapon there’s a full combo string.

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Idk man, it’s so fast when it happens that I think it’s just a bug but maybe it is intended. I wish I can send a video so you can see it better

You on ps4?

yes 🧐

It’s easy to record then upload then. That’s why I asked lol tho you said R2 so it shoulda been obvious you were xD.

Just upload it to YouTube. Trim it in share play, the clip I mean.

Shhhhhhh it’s a good thing 🤫🤫

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You know what would really be good?
If our katana sword play was on the level of virgil from devil may cry xD

I really dont fkn like the katana. I feel it leaves you too fkn open.
