Rank the weapons

Not even gonna ask for Pred because we all know most Pred weapons are trash

So, for FT, rank the weapons in your order of preference. Not on damage, fire rate or whatever, but on YOUR preference, and include a reason why.

Please, everyone has an opinion and preference. Do not create discussions or diss someone for liking a shotgun or the minigun. To each its own. Let’s try to keep it civil.

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Pred weapons are trash

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Hammerhead and Mercenary. Combo with bullets and grenade launcher is vicious.

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  • punishes predators, OP damage


  • kills AI quickly


  • underbarrel starter and long range finisher


  • all around best AR


  • for Predators that like to quick claim in front of the fireteam


  • bullettttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttts


  • epic explosive hilarity

My personal go to combo with any class/perks is GOSL-R and 1011

GOSL-R - Decent reload speed, manageable recoil, lower firing rate (conserves ammo), overall decent damage against both AI and Pred, lowest damage drop at midrange

1011 - Massive damage at close range, good damage at medium range. Ridiculous accuracy (I don’t even aim downsights with it).

Runner up:
Hammerhead - Good accuracy, damage, fast firing rate, killer sound (gotta love it), fast reload speed and barely any recoil.


I was actually talking to Beer last night and telling him how I would love to have one of those rifles have the option to change the under barrell grenade launcher for an under barrel shotgun. Given that both weapons are so similar.

Knife > all

I love the SAW-Z, but I play way too many solo pubs and I’m not that accurate. I only use it when we have a full team and I can practice with it.

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I tend to run hammerhead and pdl. Hammerhead has all the damage I need and then some, and the pdl just angers people (especially when running 3 ammo bags)

maybe I will change some, but at first I would say its like that

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Man I’d love the QR-4 to have more damage. That rifle has the recoil of an airsoft gun LMAO and is super accurate.

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Gosl-R is becoming my new favourite. I managed to destroy a bunch of predator players’ masks with it.

yes I would love that too. I like the design of it. Of course they should lower the recoil and accuracy, but its still a nice weapon (if it would have more dmg input)
btw if you want to make your own tier list @JelouGaming

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No pdl in S tier and knife only A instead S+? For shame

Wow Ak should be top gun. It’s deadly a heck especially at close range

It’s problem is super long reload time and ridiculous recoil, which makes it bad at long range. You can make it good with weapons training and quick release but you shouldn’t have to spend a ton of perks to make a weapon decent.

Saying that I still enjoy running it from time to time.

I like the AR-W but yeah, reload speed for me is what makes me avoid it. Recoil isn’t much of a problem for me

This would be my ranking

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Where’s the newer guns? It’s missing the plasma rifle PDL and rocket launcher

Want to try it on me tonight?