
Don’t you ever talk about math in my presence again!!

The nerve!!


Yeah and every time you lose in rank your actual rank decreased… so playing with ranoms in rank was hit or miss more miss than anything…
Ranking up in evolve was a nightmare. Could care less about rankings. Rather have a more smooth game then whoes better than who

And FT is only really entertaining if you’re hanging out in a discord and chatting with friends. Illfonic’s biggest problem with this game is that they didn’t make FT entertaining enough with missions/etc… Obviously people want to play as Pred in a Predator game, but with 80% of the players needing to play as FT they really needed to put in a lot more work into making the FT experience more fun to entice people.


Not in a million years.

No benefit at all. Keep it fun as it is. Sometimes you melt people, sometimes you get melted. Sometimes everyone lives, and sometimes everyone dies.

Dead by daylight has always had a ranked mode (its only mode actually). It has never meant any benefit for anyone whatsoever, and is a source of frustration and divisiveness instead.

And just imagine the queue times at Pred Rank 1…

Short answer… that’s a full nope

To solve that problem, when Pred queues reach (let’s say) more than 8 minutes, perhaps they could use the same system as in F13th… you queue with a preference, but will spawn as any side.

Obviously the game detects if you’re in a party, and will force a FT spawn in such case.

i like the idea

I’d love to get a scoreboard or a leader board of some sort. But with the not so huge playerbase I’d say I’m fine without the ranked mode.

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So you want to stay 20minutes for finding 4fireteam in level 150 ?!
No Thx
Or you want to stay 8minutes to find a Good Pred with high rank ?!
No Thx XD

Might tear the playerbase apart but fuck it I don’t want to fight preds that don’t know how to pull out, they probably have a lot of kids


I mean at the very least pair by level at first then at 150 pair by W/L statistics in 2 weeks you’d see match quality improve dramatically

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yeah, and then you’ll have preds with lobbies with 1 or 2 FT’s because everyone wants to play Pred and they’ll just drop and requeue until they get a match as pred.

Simple answer is FT gameplay needs to be rewarded more in order to have more people wanting to play it, or, something a lot of people might not like but, you need to play a certain amount of FT matches before you can play a Pred match, kinda like having a Pred “cooldown”. That will force the so called “Main preds” to play more FT and also stop the whole “aimbot” and “wallhack” argument since they will finally understand how easy it is to find and spot a pred.

Match quality at the expense of queue times or fighting the same team/pred over and over…

No thanks.

I’d rather keep trolling 5 year olds and laugh while I get drunk

How about invert the whole thing. Everyone wants to play pred… make a 4 pred mode against one super soldier FT, maybe that predator killer thing, but, that could backfire if everyone then wants to play predator killer, dunno… anyway… yeah… 4 preds… one unkillable FT

Or a species deathmatch with equally strong health/damage

Or the 3v12 we have been asking since fucking day ONE


3v12 would go a long way. Honestly I think the 150 pool is larger than everyone gives credit for, especially post content drop dates.

Implement both at the same time and it might be interesting. They never will though because the last thing they want is to raise queue times at all

The lvl 150 pool is the biggest, without a doubt. Problem is, level 150 doesn’t tell me anything about how good is the player. Potatoes level up like crazy because they get carried. I’ve seen so many players with elite skins play like 5 year olds that is just crazy.

the whole W/L ratio will probably shine more light onto who is who, but might end up being what I said, at certain hours, you will only face the same teams/preds over and over.

Is enough getting 3 or 4 min FT queues every time we play with someone who’s not from USA… imagine what it would be if it would limit us to fight only those with equal W/L ratios…

I leaderboard would be really nice. Just to brag a little and tell STFU to some big mouths out there

I think it would help development of those who lack experience because they haven’t seen good FT.

1 guy carrying the squad is usually doing it out of sight and all. Hard to see what and how he manages. Plus overall I think it’d be better because you’re gonna see better preds. I run into a decent pred 1 out of every like 7 matches…can’t really develop good FT players if they’re facing potatoed

I wish there was a perk to put a leash on some FT’s so I could drag them with me wherever I go

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…even better. Mentorship program for the first 100 matches as level 150