Ranking stuff?

I’ve see a bunch of discussions about ranking players, I’m on Xbox and I don’t really LOOK at people’s skill like that but I will say one thing, across all platforms, if you’re going to rank someone higher than an A, it should be based on if they can actually play the game without using Dutch(87 and 2025) or Dante. I play on fireteam a lot and yes even tho they’re very useful you can just tell how badly of a crutch these characters are for players. Now again, I’m not necessarily hating on the people who play them, cause really use who you want idc, but if these players are being ranked solely off of the fact that they play these characters and ONLY these characters than they shouldn’t be above A tier, using those characters is like playing the game on easy mode.

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Been saying this for a long time. I call these people “Meta-Heads”. Game is unplayable to them without their crutch. It’s literally just run the SAWZ and 1011 as any class and that’s already a huge boost. Run it with D87, Assault, Scout, or Dante and it’s the best it can be. I personally find it more impressive to have high accuracy with automatic weapons as opposed to single shot high damage weapons. Yeah it’s cool to land one high damage shot consistently, but it’s undoubtedly more impressive to land AR rounds consistently, especially on highly mobile pred players. I’ve personally never seen anyone other than @Samhain13 land AR shots that accurately at a consistent rate, and I really respect it.

I recently played against this one team that ran Scout Duelists with the meta. It’s never fun, just gets boring after a while. I eventually left because there was simply nothing I could do. Night map with a Valk Fervent messing around the with smart disc. I once asked one of these “highly skilled” SAWZ teams to run ARs instead. They could keep up sure, but only landed a few shots out the magazine. They were too used to the one and done and never worried about recoil control, movement predictions, positioning, strafing, it just blew my mind.

Either way, if you took away these classes and weapons, or even make them run something that isn’t considered meta, most of these supposed and usually self-declared “elite” players would fall apart at the seams. I’ve seen a few that manage to adapt and win, I know @Anonymous.Voorhees13 enjoys pushing it and I’ve seen him bring it hard without anything meta. Those are the kind of folks I respect.


Also another thing I’d like to make clear specifically for the predator side since apparently the predator ranking is getting some attention. If you play Scar, Valk(ghost) and Amazon(ghost), and maybe even Wolf(I haven’t seen much about him), I will 100% come out and say, you’re on the same boat as Dutch and Dante players, Those 4 preds can quite literally hop down right in front of the fire team and wipe them out within seconds, not because of SKILL but because they’re literally just that strong. I even joined the trend to see how it was and I’ve never had matches easier than that. I’ll even say if you play those 4 and only those 4 you’re most likely below C tier

Me personally I found myself using the hammerhead(or the 87 version idk if it’s called the same thing, I don’t really do like “build crafting” that much in games and I find it to be the one gun I can control the best…could just be my lack of skill) and while grinding I only see the same 5 builds which most are centered around either scout chasing or any of the fireteam characters, and I quite literally only seen them as people who ruin matches. Like okay cool you can take the pred down in the first confrontation but like…I’d like to see the match run for more than 5 minutes

casual potato talk

do that in front of a decent team and they’ll parry your attack once and you’ll be dead

I’m not only talking about melee weapons, the blaster and bow are both used very commonly between these classes, and even at that “decent teams” can also die to these pretty easily

the bow is pretty much useless at this point because of the nerf it got in 3.00, so using tankier classes like scar (who has stalker) is probably just necessary if you want to do any damage with it

as with the plasma pistol, it’s just the most reliable ranged weapon available besides the regular caster, and pretty much all predators should use it as a backup weapon to finish off downed players

if players use those classes and still quick claim and get away with it, that’s the fireteams fault for not being coordinated enough to shoot the massive target that is at its most vulnerable state for 5 seconds straight

in summary, i agree with all your fireteam crutch class statements but if you are saying that predator is overpowered then im going to have to disagree with you

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I’m not saying the predator class in general is overpowered, I’m just saying those 4 are basically the Dutch and Dante’s of the predator side, easier to play and take a lot less skill

I’ve played scar stalker and Amazon ghost for months. I rely on smart disk, boltgun, caster, and to a lesser degree hook. Am I C tier?

I mean if you have to crutch in everything you just listed and can’t use anything else, I’m afraid so 😭

Are you on Reddit? You sound like you’re from Reddit.

We use the “meta” builds and weapons because it works to win. The goal of the game is to outdamage the other side and secure victory. A lot of us run solo, so having Dutch 87 with Sawz and knifing everything to death is necessary when the other three are as thick as pavement. Same goes for Predator side, much more so because Preds have been nerfed into the ground and can’t compete with the damage output of the FT. CAN you use other builds and weapons? Of course you can. Sam runs meme builds all the time and wins. I ran Scout Ghost with the fucking hammer because it was funny as hell light attacking them to death. We’re all capable of playing with other classes, perks and equipment, but in the state the game is in, running meta is honestly the only option, especially against skilled players on both sides.

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i really only run dutch in pubs when my teammates are all using the default loadout or using scout duelist with the minigun

i have dante but i dont use him because he’s BLACK! his huge BBC is too much for predators to handle

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1: I’m not from Reddit which is a weird assumption

2: I’m not saying you CANT play these characters, play who you want irdc, what I am saying tho is that in terms of ranking things on here, or in general, using a build that can shred a predator or a team within the minute of confrontation with ease is not really “skillful” enough to be ranked with top players especially if they CRUTCH that and only that, again play who you want and and use whatever weapons gets you the victory but if someone uses this easy to use/win class and then says “yeah I’m one of the top players” or someone shows them off to be one of the “top players” then me personally I don’t see that to being true…because again using a no skill build/character doesn’t show…skill

If a decent ft uses full field medics ide love to see u honorably beat them with chopper

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Don’t temp me😼

Lol, god speed dude

Can be done with smart disk

No they arent, amazon maybe a hard to deal when playing solo but thats it

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So idk if it counts, but I made a chopper build with discipline, bow and combi stick, observation, down range, and energy cell, fought a melee lover as well as made a Dutch 87 rage quit, and I (from my pov) stood out…quite a lot to them and even rushed inside when one got downed. Idk if it’s good enough but I know chopper is known as one of the worse and it was a pretty fair match

How long you been playing this