Real Life Leviathan Axe

just arrived a few hrs ago, stainless steel blade, wooden handle

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Chop a melon

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Chop you

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You don’t chop Mayo

You spread it 😎

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Youd like me to spread you WOULDNT YOU?



Speaking of this topic hear what these Norse experts say about the recent controversies like fat Thor and a female race swap 😁

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I’m gonna be honest I don’t really mind the race swamp let’s be honest, the god of war series(while In norce mythology) hasn’t been 100% accurate to begin with.

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Lol ya I mean Kratos is there and there’s no mention of Greeks Gods in Norse mythology

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This is true


Well in the novelization and the diaries of Atreus(roughly a year after GOW 4), Mimir is known to have heard of the Greek Pantheon and the Ghost of Sparta, as he states, so my theory is, all religion pantheons throughout history co-exist and each are aware of the others

Yes…in game lore not real mythology but hey I guess that’s why it’s myth it ain’t real, just retelling of brave tales and sagas to pass the time living in cold Nordic weather in stick huts 🥶

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But hey Vikings am I right lol oh pro tip, don’t go to green land go to ice land, no joke they switch the names so you wouldn’t go to the good one lol

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Yep, because tourism

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Beautiful places I really hope that the devs go deep with the lore to see new things that can take your breath away lol enemies including lol get it cuz they will kill you lol

Also beautiful place Iceland,4306835,2503771,4533568,4515404,2502548,2503781,4605861,4545890,4371334,4419364,4596364,4258168,4617195,4317915,4401769,4533547,4284970,4270859&hl=en-US&gl=us&ssta=1&dest_mid=/m/03rj0&dest_state_type=main&dest_src=kl&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjJsKrDyajzAhVN054KHaOcBhQQri56BAgLEAM

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