Reinforcement mission never popped up

The timer went all the way down till about 7 seconds before the reinforcements mission popped up and then the numbers disappeared and the mission never popped up -__- never popped up on the screen or map nothing no reinforcements :/

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Someone running comms?

We are theorizing it may remove the respawn completely.

Damn i had it recorded too but i accidentally deleted it 🤦🏽‍♂️

No sweat.

I’ve put a ticket in about the exact same thing.

It’s being looked into :)

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Hahaha reinforce goes FUCK YOU

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Yes just happened again and they had comms you are right

Edit: It was support comms btw

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@OldKingHamlet please make this known to the QA team if its not already, as its quite serious.

Having COMMS specialisation equipped can mess up reinforcments.


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