Removal of LV cap

So a placebo effect will keep you interested?
My my how easily amused you are xD.

Honestly levels don’t mean much, anyone whose good at a game can tell you that.

But make the combat more interesting and engaging and then more ppl will stay and be drawn to it.

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Meh…placebo affect is still effective. If only for something else to do goal wise

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Lmao very. Easily amused but hard to stay interested afterwards.😅

I feel stagnant sitting at 150 so I stopped syung for awhile, like two or three months.

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Lol if the levels actually gave me stuff then sure

But it’s only easy to do in pve games cause trying to actually give players high level rewards becomes am issue for balance.

For me all I want is a 2v8 mode.
Or 3v10.

Like a bigger longer hunt mode, without any of the stupid nerfs that clash has.

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I wouldn’t mind a level increase. As for rewards, skins work fine and aren’t a huge time sink, especially considering they can just be modified elite skins or tributes to something in canon ie. Dutch at the end of the first movie (might even be a small bonus to mud up time, not stackable with other benefits).
Pred rewards could be trophies using existing assets and the cosmetic trophy slot or even taunts.

Or they can just reset everyone to zero, eliminate loot boxes and add a cornucopia of new content to unlock via gameplay

I don’t want to re earn my stuff tho.

You wouldn’t have to

Just new stuff

Lots of new stuff

All the new stuff

Plus some more new stuff

Fair enough

Think of it as a new season