Removal of LV cap

Lv cap increase or even a prestige system for next update is a must @Courier

If theirs no progression theirs no reason to play. Even if i’llfonic increased the cap to 200 It wouldn’t be enough. Make the Lvs endless, or at the very least add a prestige System like in call of duty.

XP is completely worthless at 150 and loot boxes are harder to obtain. This shouldn’t be an issue.


A way to keep it going is just have the player get a few field lockers upon completing a new level up. No level is given but maybe 5-10 field lockers.

If they don’t want to make new classes for level cap increases why not add armor styles per every couple levels after 150.
For example if one reaches 175 or even 200 the player could unlock an armor style that has a short cape for Elder. Another option is for the illfonic predators they gain a marking on the head and the player can decide which mark they want to use.

A good usage of a prestige system would be the addition of helmet markings. Every time the player unlocks a prestige they gain a special helmet (assuming it’s not possible on all helmets) which gains a marking every time the player hits the cap.


Leveling up wont add more reason to play.
It needs to be new content.

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-It gives a reason for someone who hit the Lv cap to keep playing. I shouldn’t have to explain why because you should know.

Ive hit the cap but this wont bring me or quite a few others I know back in.

However, better performance, bug fixes, balances,
More modes and ways to play, and more maps for a lot of ppl.

What would be the point of leveling up in a game that’s in a bad state?

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Get you COD ideas out of here!

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There is nothing to prestige this is not call of shitty plz move away from that model of thinking be original plz

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Lol like thats a reason to keep playing this game thats in a horrible state of play.

The only reason anyone plays this game is because they are a fan of the IP. Now plz come back with a more original Idea and something thats not stolen from Call of Shitty


You get 50,000 vt a week. From doing the 7 dailies and the Weekly. Thats a 100 loot crates a week. Not to mention you can get roughly 1k a match and that with out even really looking so if you play 10 matches thats another 10k and that 20 loot crates a day. So idk what you mean they are harder to get

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I say just give us fucking gauntlet, it’s gonna either make or break the game

What would be the point of prestiges if you can just grind them in private matches?
What does the prestige crowd do when they’re not grinding battlepasses or watching numbers go up?

No one can even see your level.
In RDRO people can grind to 999 you don’t see that actually making a difference in keeping players despite lack of content because levels don’t matter after 100.

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Prestiging isn’t an original idea that originated from cod twat

-1 reading skills


Only thing that could be changed when reaching level 150 is that instead of exp you’ll receive Veritanium.


I would get behind this 100%

Rather have a progression system that allows you to earn match modifiers. Add in more things to hunt, buy a gear restock for your Pred, add fog/smoke to one objective location on the map. The possibility of having between 6 and 12 modifiers that benefit one side or the other interests me more than prestige options.

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This would be nice. But may be to hard to balance around

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I hope the next time you are going to the bathroom a turtle jumps out the toilet and bites ur pecker

These days, you can’t get enough exp to grind in Private Match. Believe me, I’ve tried.

Speak for yourself LMAO. Need that level raise