Remove deadly boundaries

People are just trolling by killing themselves all the time - this happens to me every 2-3 games now - this goes for both FT and Pred. There is no reason to have game boundaries killing you after 10 seconds if the setup of the game is already in canyons. Just remove the kill zone from boundaries - we can’t run anywhere anyway, and all this trolling will stop. On some spots, where we can potentially go/jump outside the map, we just need an invisible wall.



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I enjoy killing myself after the pred dies


This is exactly what I’m talking about XDDDDD

I’d say just make them unable to be breached. Invisible walls are fine.

There’s been times I crossed the border (legally) and the counter kept going even after I got back into the safe zone.

I refuse to kill ai for 2 minutes when I could be queuing for a new game


Let the suicide commence.
For all their souls will fuel the return of the great one.


Let fantasma have his fun.


People are really doing that? Damn. You know the game is bad when people would rather get themselves killed on it than play the match.

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I only ever do it as FT, but only ever to jumpy ass bow Preds with a potato squad, my skull is too smooth to be used as a trophy.

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You pussy! Lol

I do once I kill the pred lol.

Sometimes ildamage myself so I can self destruct and die with the ft I killed lol

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If it’s not Preds I’m running away from, it’s most likely the my ex and her constant advances towards me.


LMAO dont get drunk and give in to the temptation!

Honestly if it was my ex idk I could resist tho xD

Run boy run!

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Surround the map edges in mile high walls


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You are the person this post is about XDDDDD

I know but that’s me just saying I can’t be fucked to against that play style with a team which barely has any coordination. Like the teams I get paired up with sometimes is uhhhhhh, and I’d rather let us both queue up faster than just wait out another few minutes. I do message the players, saying they’re good Preds and they understand the situation lol.

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Nobody messegaes me! They just leave me in tears and broken…

That’s because they aren’t me, I genuinely respect Pred players, I disrespect crap FT players or Pred mains who play crap as FT only to be carried by good FT because all they want is Vert.

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