Remove FT climbing on Derailed large building rooves

Bricks are 500 veritanium how isnt that a lot that’s 1 FL

From the top of the tallest building in derailed it should be a down plain and simple it’s not enough to deter people from chasing to the roof you don’t even think twice

As a predator you can simply leap away and take no damage landing unlike the fireteam

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Well, there is veritanium on the roofs sometimes, so I think the developers intended for the fireteam to be able to get up there.

As far as balance, I have never had a problem killing anybody I found on top of the roof. They have no cover from range or protection from slams.


Maybe I should have specified skilled FT’s then because people here obviously haven’t faced those kind of teams.

predator can leap away and take no fall damage…jesus. No they’ll just take the sniper shots that take away a ton of health.

Devs can easily just code it so the V spawns elsewhere. Maybe it was initially intended to be able to get up there but seeing how much of an advantage it gives the skilled teams it should definitely be changed.

Fall dmg is much needed. Jumping off rooftop and taking 10 dmg… lol

Any fireteam that can shoot with any accuracy will still damage a pred alot

It’s still not a game ending thing for the predator, and they altered V to change the amounts to avoid changing where it spawns likely because they would take more time moving it then changing how much comes from each

With the hammerhead it is

How about they just add an instant kill button so you can have fun winning? Wouldn’t that be cool for you?

All I read are complains and complains from main preds who are tired of losing against good FT

Look, that’s the whole concept of the game. A coordinated good FT will always beat the Pred, ALWAYS. That’s the way is supposed to be. If a Pred can easily take down a coordinated FT, then imagine what it will be for randoms. Everybody will simply stop playing because it’d be impossible to win for FT and you as a pred, need a FT to play against.

Thing is, getting a good coordinated FT is not that common. In public matches you will probably get 2 or 3 every 10 matches.

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I agree with Jelou. (well mostly, there are some crazy good Preds out there that can beat a coordinated FT).

The problem that Jelou highlights is true though.
You cannot balance a game around the impact of a coordinated FT.

The majority of games a Predator runs into will NOT be against Coordinated FT’s, but rather random players, with little to no communication. This is what you need to balance it around.

Imagine if the Pred was buffed to the point where an average Predator could beat a coordinated team more often? What would that mean for the ‘random/casual’ matchmade games? Everyone would just quit the game.

As for your original issue around the roof. Tactical areas of the map should not be restricted.
Yes the roof is a tactical height advantage. It works for both sides.

You shouldn’t be engaging if the conditions are not favourable for you. If you find that area with a FT member (or more) on the roof difficult, just wait for them to move on. They can’t sit there all game. In fact I find the guy on the roof is usually the last to leave, and if you bide your time, you can pick them off.

Many of the objectives in that area are also inside buildings, where the guy on the roof can’t provide support. If you engage inside, he will either remain (being of no help), or jump down, in which case you can now jump up and easily prevent him from regaining his position.

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They should add fall damage but it shouldn’t be removed from game. I love those guys honestly.A few shots from a distance then leap behind them and wristblade. Quick claim now you enjoy watching your team play haha.

I can live with them getting to the roof. What i cant stand though is fireteams that camp under the pumping station on backwater where a predator cant get to much like the shack down on the lake every FT likes to camp under. They should get a stupid giant notice on the screen like a predator does if he tries to climb to high on overgrowth in the middle of the map where the ruins are… “Return to Predator Hunting Grounds” with a timer!