Resource - Wrong Specialization

Resource - Wrong Specialization

Hello, basically there’s an older bug that pretty much is fair use at this point in time, it was already reported privatly 3 years ago in hopes of trying to make Illfonic look good as a company by fixing bugs in a timely manor originally, a lot has changed since then. If I have another bug that can be somewhat considered useful I might be wanting to provide documentation and detail to this degree but I don’t have a lot that have potiential for constructive use such as this

Also, at this point I don’t think anyone gives a fuck anyways

Everyone knew for it already. Even I do :D :D :D :D :D :D

Not really the point sturl but ok

You just speak in your name and harming others.

Did you not read the document

Yes, you speak for yourself.

wait what lol

I did :D :D :D :D :D

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Exactly, get sobber kiddo.

speaking for yourself ofc

Are you really comparing unlimited ammo, unlimited stamina, and unlimited health (private) to wrong specs right now

@BeerWarrior66 PUBLIC KIDDO, :D :D :D :D PUBLIC

K then

Still crying with @JelouGaming bank damage control fairy tales?

You are both crazy.

So, to me it seems like you’re upset you weren’t given most of the things we’re capable of doing in the game other than Jelou’s CT’s

I couldn’t care less, since speed hack affects all of it.

So do you even know your own motivation then, I’m just curious

Nothing, just to entertain your rage :D :D, especially Jelou’s.