5. Predator---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cloak should make predator completely invisible in all of these scenarios
Standing still
Crouch walking
Crouch walking on branches
Jumping from one branch to another
- (this carries over whatever invisibility he had before jumping to the next branch, for example, crouched jump from branch to branch, remains fully invisible, however running jump from branch to branch, is more visible.)
Cloak should be more visible in all of these scenarios
Normal running
Immediately after shooting any ranged weapon from stealth (This should make pred more visible for several seconds.) (Except the bow)
When being shot
Predator should not make footstep noise in any of these scenarios
When on a tree branch
When leaping or jumping from branch to branch
when crouch walking
Predator Footstep noises should be replaced with very low level rustling of leaves, and creaking of wood in these scenarios (you should only be able to hear these when there is absolutely nothing happening, they should be droned out by even the sounds that your fireteam members make when sprinting)
When walking normally on a tree branch
when climbing trees
When leaping from branch to branch (Small amounts of leaves should fall, rewarding keen eyes, but only briefly)
Predator Should make footstep noise in any of these scenarios
Walking normally
Jumping (Not leaping)
Predator Clicking noises when cloaked, should echo, making it harder for fireteam members to determine the source, even if the predator is directly above them.
Predator Mimicry menu, should also allow the predator player to disguise his name as one of the the fireteam members when talking in proximity chat. This would make for a more useful mimicry system, that works with both normal dialogue, but also can be used to bait out players in pubs.
Predator should be able to directly Stealth kill a fireteam member. It should be a quick animation. If cloaked, it should decloak predator during the animation. FT Member must be standing still.
Looking at a single fireteam member for a short period, should allow predator to scan his loadout and have access to the info for the rest of the game (could be accessed through the scoreboard during the match)
Remove energy usage entirely
Remove fireteam ability to hear the vision being switched on and off.
Mudded fireteam members should be harder to see on thermal.
remove target isolation for FT. Should only be usable to find pigs.
Thermal vision should no longer mark the FT
Fireteam should leave very long lasting or permanent footprints wherever they walk that pred can track. However they should only appear after a certain distance from a FT member ( so they dont lead straight to the FT member).
All predator Classes should have reduced health/damage resist to account for the vastly improved stealth.
Predator sprinting should Slowly drain stamina allowing predator to traverse the map quickly.
Slower classes should have the most stamina and the least gear. Whilst faster classes should have the least stamina and the most gear.
Faster classes should be faster in short bursts, but slower classes should be able to catch up through sheer stamina.
Base Walk Speeds should be the same among all the classes.
Should have the least amount of stamina, but the longest leap and fastest sprint speed
Should have the Second most Energy
Should have the most gear (15)
Should have the middle ground of stamina and sprint speed/leap distance, as well as gear (10)
Should have the most energy.
Should have the Most stamina, But the shortest leap, and slowest sprinting speed.
Should have the least amount of gear, (8)
Should have the least amount of energy.
Alpha Predator (DLC)
Should be near the berzerker predator in terms of stats
Should have Less Health than the berzerker, But more energy/stamina as well as run speed and jump.
(Should essentially bridge the gap between berzerker and hunter)
Jungle Hunter 87 (Pre Order)
- Should remain a copy of the standard hunter.
The sounds of predator Ranged weapons should be more directional, so that you have an easier time hearing where they came from
*The animations of predator melee weapons should be less jumpy and more fluid (Current combistick animation is a great example.)
Plasma Caster
Fully Charged shots returned to 1 shot Down only on direct hit
Fully Charged Shot AOE splash Removed almost Completely
- Should still have a small aoe, but not enough to really hit more than one player at a time by any means.
Slower Fire Rate
Should do more damage the longer the FT member is netted.
Nets should be harder to break free from by yourself.
Handheld Plasma Caster
Should shoot a ball of plasma that has an arcing projectile
Plasma ball should deal medium AOE damage, for clearing buildings
Plasma caster should be charge to fire. Requires full charge.
Charge should be slower than shoulder cannon, but holdable like bow.
Charge should be audible to some extent towards the end of the charge., warning the FT the predator is about to shoot.
(Should essentially be a predator grenade launcher)
Yautja Bow
Reactivate red lights when charging bow
Bow Charge time should be reduced slightly.
Smart Disc
Should deal Slightly more damage than the wrist blades (Melee)
Should have the least range (melee)
Fix the collision of objects around the map to prevent disc getting stuck in mid air
Remove FT ability to destroy disc
When a weapon gets thrown out of bounds, or into an unreachable place, the disc should be returned to the predator immediately.
Wrist Blades
Should deal the least damage of all melees
Should have medium range
Should continue to be usable with ranged weapons
War Club
Should do the most damage
Should have the least range
Should be able to break parries
Elder Sword
Should be able to hit multiple Targets
Animations changed to sweeping swings and swipes
Should deal medium damage
Should have medium range swings
Combi Stick
Should Deal Medium Damage
Removed ability to hit targets
Animations changed to poking motions, like a spear
Should have the most range of all melee weapon swings.
When a weapon gets thrown out of bounds, or into an unreachable place, it should be returned to the predator immediately.
Healing Kit
Should have infinite uses, But a long cooldown between each use.
Should be removed from gear pool, all preds should have by default.
Audio Decoy
Increase Audio Decoy uses to 8
Decoys should make plasma caster, cloak/decloak, and Roars. (no more clicking).
Bear Trap
Should be retrievable
Should no longer make noise
Should be able to be Tripped by being shot (not destroyed)
AI should not trip bear traps.
Can no longer be placed vertically.
Can no longer be tripped without line of sight.
Should not Restrict FT members ability to turn.
Motion Detector
Increased to 5 uses.
Should be cloaked when deployed.
New Gear
Add Falconer Recon Drone
Add Tree Net traps
Add some form of predator gas or plasma grenade for flushing the fireteam out of buildings. (compensation for removing plasma caster AOE)
Predator should crouch jump on normal jumps to allow him to clear awkward jumps a bit easier.
- Predator jumps should maintain forward momentum much better.
Predator should be able to run through fireteam members, staggering them for a split second while doing so (to allow predator to escape the FT pinning him in a small room)
Predator Ground Slam Should Not Be able to hit enemies through walls and ceilings.
Predator second wind recharge should be significantly increased to compensate for longer match time. (Like 5-10 minute recharges).
Predator should no longer be able to leap in second wind. (FT cant reliably chase anymore so this is fair)
Predator second wind should be beefier to compensate for squishier predator.
Predator quick claims should be longer, Pred should pick up the FT member (allowing a chance for the ft member to be saved by teamates second winding pred.) but once holding them, quickly trophy them.