I was down with having different classes and weapons from the beginning, and I’m still down for having different classes from the beginning. I’ve like the rules from the beginning and I’ve never complained about them
Oh yeah my bad brotha this is not directed at you. I appreciate your understanding!
No problem
There are just so many trolls and toxic people on this forum and in the game
Yeah i don’t think Kame is a troll he’s a good dude just that last comment was not called for. But having different opinions is ok
Wasn’t talking about him
My only side is the fact my team has been melting preds left and right this includes good ones and I’ve Hurd great things about @fire team coming from him so most of these are in place for the fact its phg their needs to be certain limits in this type of thing a great pred will have tons of trouble fighting a great ft no matter what I swear so their needs to be limits getting ppl out of their comfort zones doesn’t exactly do this but its gonna diffrenchiate The teams so we get good plays ect if you don’t like these rules which are bearly limiting everything don’t post negatives about it if your not competing im all for feedback but until next month these are hopefully final rules.
The game clearly doesn’t base their balancing off pre mades but off rando teams which is what’s mainly is played
Meaning the gamemode won’t be balanced unless we limit a lot more on ft which ppl will also complain about
the nerfs above show what ive been talking about since april
-specific weapon classes
-predator dmg is shit
-straight up even at the ps4 level its hard for the pred to really do anything. The maps dont have enough foliage or cover.
-The preds 3rd person view hinders a lot things…
I think illfonic may change how the pred aims in the future. A full charged direct hit should be around 180 dmg without owlwolf training. Its the bread and butter. Same goes for sniper rifles they should only do 180 dmg. Not 245
Yeah and mostly it’s to add a layer of strategy to the game as well. Like actually put some thought into our builds instead of all assault with ak and ump. Teams will actually need a composition
To bad they don’t implement this period.
Only 2 things can happen…
- Illfonic really starts only allowing certain classes to have certain gear.
- You buff the preds dmg accross the board. Were tallking 50 dmg wrist blade hits.
Again the game is
If ft works togather pred= dead
Pred does range = pred dead
Pred does melee= pred dead
The pred is a joke. End of story so as much as I’d like to place more rules a lot of ppl complain… sooooo not wanting to loose support from the community on my ideas try to work with there ideas even if it makes no difference towards the balance
Side of things
Talking no crossplay PC or PS4
- Preds dmg needs buffed
- Illfonic needs to put some thought into FT comps. So it starts out in lobby and first come first serve on classes
- Either nerf sniper rifles and knives or give pred more dmg.
To me its not that hard to balance.
Yo I got an idea.
How about who ever is the top ft team, let me know after who it is and let me face them, with these restrictions.
Since I’m not in the tournament, this will be the only way I can.
Itl be fun for me and good training for me going vs a full party xD.
I’d also be down to play vs you guys, so yall can train vs me if you want. Idk. Just a thought.
I’ve been getting bored of the game, this might spice it up for me.
I think its PS4 only
It is.
Im… I’m ps4
I’ve told you this lol
i beat premade FTs on PC… i am not even gonna ask to play vs them
Bob and weave stick n move xD
literally as a predator vs premades… the first 2 min dictate the whole game… its pretty dumb. 3 shots with a bow is pretty dumb. I hit a suppt 4 times in a row and he finally went down… that is unsat