Ridiculous spotting video

Theres nothing wrong with spotting just those complaining need to get good its as simple as that.

Hey, could you leave me this one if that’s ok man? I honestly want peoples opinion on my question.

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Yes I think most of the pre-made/experienced teams are not going to spot a Predator right away and risk giving up a few head shots, and will communicate in VIOP and use spot to more to keep tabs on a Predator.

Yeah, I think most people that have played against such a FT team would agree. So the question becomes do we need to buff predator against low skilled/solo qing FT’s right now? Right?

I am unsure if that’s the situation AND if this is the change I’d want in such a situation. But the community seems to disagree :/

I think the root of all these things we’re talking about is one simple thing: lack of predator stealth. If the cloak were better to allow proper maneuvering and he would drink a nice tall glass of SHUT THE FUCK UP, most of this would be resolved.

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Well, no. That would just enable bad predators to roflstomp more of the time whilst the predators that lose 2/100 matches might go to losing 1/100 matches. This would possibly take predator queue times much further then the 10minutes they are currently.

Not if they brought all of the pred classes healths down. It would force preds to play smarter with their shiny new stealth

FT mains complain about Predator’s Target Isolation, and Predator mains complain about Spotting.

The solution to make everyone happy is probably to get rid of both Target Isolation and Spotting all together.

When I play FT I really don’t mind the target isolation. Stay muddy and you’re good. I rarely get spotted that way.

Honestly target isolation was only necessary when the game first came out. once you know the maps, or just simply listen for gunfire, you dont need it anymore. For me I only use it to find pigs now XD

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Actually I agree. It often doesn’t work anyway. Folks are staying muddy.

Great just another reason to get rid of it then. But only if Spotting is removed as well.

The best changes illfonic could make right now are removing bugs. I just don’t see spotting as that big of an issue. The most it does is make one flick shot slightly easier due to the red outline. It enables predator to red herring sight lines. I feel it is rather balanced, requiring FT to GIVE UP THE ELEMENT OF SURPRISE in order to force a reposition.

Like I said, spotting isnt the issue by any means. and as a pred main, I welcome it. Sure, it needs a bit of tweaking, as soon as the team loses line of sight it should break, and if pred is full invis, it should drop a no warning eyeball type spot at his feet, so that he has no idea he was spotted.

However, target isolation is really only usefull in two scenarios. Either A, you have some fucktard hiding in a bush all match or something thinking hes smart while he ran off and let his team die. Or B, you know the FT is hunting you, and you wanna know where exactly all 4 are.

With my reworks, B shouldnt be an issue anymore. And since the games are uncapped for time, well thats tough shit. If someone wants to waste their time sitting in a bush for an hour, there isnt much you can do about that. But eventually either they are gonna leave, or have to fight. (unless pred dips)

Either way target isolation can go. But spotting is still important for the casual and pub fireteams that dont have any other form of communication, so like it or not it needs to stay

Yup Target Isolation should only be used to find pigs cuz them things be crazy hard to find sometimes.

Yeah it doesnt help that they have weird AI and turn corners on a dime, so if you dont get them while they are braindead standing still, chasing them can be a bitch lol

No offense dude. But your standing still way too much. Like, your standing straight up. Taking forever to shoot your bow. Not jumping around at all. Your gonna have to learn how to shoot and be way more mobile. And your not attacking with melee when you have the opportunity. Your not playing the AI. Your gonna have to learn to be a lot faster. At 4:11 You were spotted, yet stayed around the corner, like he can’t see you behind the wall. You ain’t gonna fool nobody like that. This should be a video on what your doing wrong as Predator instead of a spotting video.

Oh like you complained about target isolation and what we all told you???

  1. The point of standing still for a bit is to be fully invisible and get some shots off before moving
  2. Waiting with the bow is waiting for the right shot. Misses only show them where you are because of the light trail
  3. Tracking on wristblades is ass, and attacking with melee when others are around is suicide
  4. I think I fully used the AI. Got them all riled up
  5. I know he could see me behind the wall. I simply didn’t care. Thought his buddies were further away but coming back and didn’t want to lose the chance to down him with a lengthy reposition.

Play style that differs from yours isn’t wrong.