RIP war club.

Sickle is now available.

Knew unless the war club was given more of a damage buff (even post patch that gave it the effects), it will become a thing of the past with more pred weapons becoming available.

Please give the war club a slight damage buff to make me want to use it…

Has war in the name for crying out loud and does the least damage lol


The war club needs to get off the set swing animation and become free attack like the katana


I try that warclub last time when i unlocked it, its still most trash weapon for pred


And now they released more weapons to bury it.

Zero incentive to use it other than wanting to die as the predator…

How cool/good is the Alpha Sickle?

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That weapon seriously needs a rework when literally every pred weapon is more useful than it.

It’s cool AF, they did nerf it when it first dropped.

Still hands down better than war club

Nice thanks.

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Does it have anything special to it?

To resuscitate the warclub they only need to do one change:
increase the hitbox on the last swing, slightly improve tracking. That’s it.

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I feel like the katana free swing would be a better idea. Let the player make the combo himself.

yeah that would probably make it stand out even more.

Either way it’s super easy, they could have done that like 4 patches ago instead of adding the useless stun/blind mechanic

I think they should leave that effect if and when they change the animation

Just tried it. It’s shit

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Make the last hit a 1 hit KO and improve tracking, but keep the animation. High risk high reward weapon.

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I’d say speed up the first 2 hits with the club SLIGHTLY then buff the last hit!

What specifically about it makes it shit to you? At work and haven’t tried it for myself so I’m just curious at this point, lol. Does it have a cool stealth kill at least?

Imo the trade of for damage and the time it takes to finish the combo isnt great.

You will have a better chance at getting 2nd winded than landing the full combo.

Even if you land the full combo, you just look like a fool swinging a club lmao

R.I.P mene club ;c

Just used it earlier, it’s not as bad as some people make it out to be but it’s nothing you want to write home about. The combistick and elder sword out perform it.

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