Welcome Everyone! This video isn’t anything special, just me trying to recreate one of the many awesome Predator Costume / Skins in the hidden gem of a game known as “Predator Concrete Jungle”. I might make a Pt.2 to this since well even though I like how it came out, it just doesn’t sit well with me I didn’t use the City Hunter Class (This is why when the AVP DLC came out, I wanted Choppers back trophy to be just that, a Yautja Optional Trophy to put on any and all other classes). Regardless I hope you enjoy and make sure to check out the other PCJ Builds I made in the day!^^
Scarface Predator Build:
Dark Blade Predator Build (Scarface Alternate Costume):
Stone Heart Predator Build:
Long Spear Predator Build:
Swift Knife Predator Build: