Jus wanted to see if anyone else might of had the same feelin, so this weekend my girl told me romulus was on hulu so i thought wed have a movie night with it. After gettin munchies my tall boys and packed up bowl ready, we started it and mind you ive seen it, but idk it disnt have me zoned in like other alien movies usually have me. We kept pausing doin somethin else then playing again a few times til we jus turned it off and did somethin else.
Saturday comes and after the days over and we winding down we try to finish it and same thing we werent drawn in and shes never seen it so we kept gettin side tracked and doin other things til again we turned it off and she went towatchin her show and shorts and i went back to playing undisputed. Idk but the movie didnt have the same draw that many of the others had on me where once i stated i would feel the need to tune in and finish. Maybe its jus me but this movies been hyped as the same or better than 1 and 2. Personally id put it behind resurrection as evem that one has elemts that i really liked as flawed as it is. Anyway, jus curious if anyone felt the same