Roof slam is fair

I would not call what the FT did there camping in a building, strictly speaking.

Any team with half a brain that knows how to equip a knife would parry and stun you and you’d die in two seconds from lmgs. But yes running in and swinging a stick around is totally viable vs potatoes. Bravo you master zerker.

Next time atleast do your pro melee rush on the 2nd floor of that building with the stairs & tiny doorway so you get bodyblocked and stabbed to death inside. Would make for much better content and everyone likes to hide in there on top of the desks. Show everyone how viable melee is through doorways.

Considering you have only seen me play that once here and have seen clips of me playing otherwise that is just a plain smear lol. But nice job on stretching that lol

According to these people it is camping lol.

You can stop the leap slam with parry? Wtf

If they take a knifes worth of damage before they hit the ground it cancels the slam and they just land there with no stamina. I’d argue this should also still overload the pred even if slam gets interrupted.

On topic, you can also just shoot them while they’re glowing and soaring through the air.
Shooting pred to interrupt things is undoubtedly harder on controllers but this is why you guys should be asking for some kind of aim smoothing instead of being ok with fucking analogue stick raw input.

You are the type of guy that goes to the gym and doesn’t realize there are people on steroids, and people that are not.

PC people are on steroids, PS4 players are not(unless you use xim 4).

PC players can do much more than console players can, it’s not some flaw in your skill.

But then you get butthurt when PC players are telling you that predator is garbage as fuck.

Full PC and highly skilled. The only one I have seen in the last few days as a Predator was a match I was largely just testing how broken the leap smash was and since they didn’t use buildings I just meleeing and they were knifing and minigunning instead then their connection on three got severed so it wasn’t much of a match. I will get back to ya on that.

So standard PC is impossible to beat. Got it lol

This is what I would consider camping in a building, and it cost them the match. The one player who knew better kept dodging my Space Jams and was even spotting and firing on me to try and alert the rest of the team but they decided to dig in.

The hand plasma is for fun and running around like a gangster. I wish I could turn it on its side and shout “BLAT! BLAT!” in Predator voice when I fire it.

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I am not disagreeing with your statement there in that particular though. Yes it would be more difficult, I’m not daft. Keyboard and mouse is inherently more precise, flexible and accessible for all your control than a pad. Not disputing that. Nor am I disputing that even with equal skill levels a player on a pad could very well be at an inherent disadvantage. At that point it comes down a fair bit to other variables and differences in tactics and mindset and so on. What I am saying though is that it is not so infeasible that someone on a pad could overcome PC players of equal or perhaps slightly better skill with the right set of circumstances of which are subject to change with every combat situation. Every match I have played against full PC teams, unfortunately rare as that is, which are coordinated have been quite challenging. Not saying it was easy. That would be stupid and egotistical. I would also rather like to fight more PC players for that very reason but due to their poor matchmaking even with cross play enabled I can go a full day of gameplay without seeing a single PC player. And given how the Predator operates it does seem inherently a disproportionate match for Fireteam members using a pad as well.

They should just fill every building with explosive barrels. Lol notice the skill difference between that last guy that left the building and the rest of his potato teammates.

Sprints out, spots you, strafes, jumps, syringes, kites you, gets a parry off while everyone else was just bleeding out on floor because they costed this guy the game. Also lol at the barrel exploding killing the guy in the corner. Really good example of one guy doing everything right and his team being bad, he was able to hold your aggro for awhile here.
Pubs in a nutshell.

That is kind of what I see here too. At the start I was just using the BLAT cannon, and they all ran inside. I think in fairness they had an objective in there as well but still. In that case I would think first take care of the actual threat (the Predator) and then collect Veritanium.

I think here the only FT that were punished directly by Space Jams were the ones who did not even respect the fact that the Predator was there.

There are 2 entrances to either side of that small building tho. I’ve had encounters in there and around it, idk, there are some angles to get plasma splash dmg in there without them having much wiggle room or net gunning ppl from the side they aren’t expecting While invis quick. Throw some traps outside the door ways and come out of invis baiting them out can work too, they’re camping in there not noticing u yet so it’s tough to say how long they would stay in there after an objective if there doing one also in that scenario, sometimes it’s easier to bait them to chase than others

So, just my two cents. Right now it’s in the game and all is fair in war. If they patch it out of the game, then it was never meant to be. However, they did make changes to the slam, and changing how the AOE effects FTs in buildings was not one of them. Until FTs stop throwing and shooting grenades to cause AOE on the Pred through buildings, I say fuck em, use away. You wanna shoot grenades at the bottom of the roof to cause damage, fuck you, you getting roof slammed…

Oh its fuckin on if FTs are exploiting grenades on me for sure I dont have a problem if thats how they wanna play it. It just doesnt happen every match I get but yes I agree…I just usually try gauge it and to not get use to roofing or ice skating cuz if it gets patched then thats that basically.

Exactly, if they start that shit, then turtle up in a building. I’ll roof slam the fuck outta them. But it’s rare.

And yea thats what made me question Slam in the first place too with it not being the only thing going through surfaces, just cuz its an AOE effect doesnt mean it automatically goes through walls, like with grenades too, thats never been a thing so clearly thats an exploit going on and so is the Slam I feel at the moment too. Thats almost never the case in games with AOE unless the environment itself around u is destroyable.

since the beta on overgrowth

Is “aim smoothing” what is missing? I thought it seems harder to aim in this game than games like battlefield and call of duty. If so, this game really needs that. People should feel like their playing a true FPS when playing the fireteam.