Roof slam is fair

If the FT huddle up in a room trying to bait the pred to attack, there are very few options other than slam or fully charged caster.

FTs say it’s not fair to hit me through the roof but it’s an energy weapon and it’s literally one of the few good tools we have with an FT that sticks together.

I think the general gripe from FT is “it’s effective at killing me so I don’t like it”


absolutely! I’d also like devs increase the radius and damage from leap-slam


You guys can’t be serious ? It’s already an almost 1 shot down for recon and scout and you want more damage to it ? Do you want an insta-win with that ? You know the best thing to counter this kind of campers is the clock right ? If they are a bunch of p*ssies and hide, they will fail their mission and earn almost no rewards.

I think that for an attack that wasn’t in the franchise it’s strong enough. I’ve got nothing against the slam beside the roof damage, that is probably a glitch they’ll fix soon. The cooldown of the slam is so short, it just feel unfair even as the predator. I mean where is the challenge ? You wait a couple of sec you down between 1 to 3 FT member… wow such skills. Pair that with the fact that the claiming animation is unstoppable and you get a nice recipe to be a cheesy c*nt.

I think the FT would have more reasons to complain against the predator being OP than the opposite. Yes it even applies to the knife parry !!! ( If you die because of the knife parry, it’s probably because you’re a spamming bot )


Do grenades deal damage through walls? If the answer is yes, I’ll go along with this roof slam shit.

“Parry stops melee spam by letting me spam parry for free.”
“Spotting stops you from sneaking up on me, but also you predator mains shouldn’t be running in head first.”
“Your floor slam is op and goes through terrain, but its realistic and fair when a grenade does it.”


It’s an exploit, get over it. We don’t need another thread about this.


Wow there is so much wrong in your post!

I keep hearing this and people still don’t get it. No FT is going to go “lol we’re waiting here for 10+ minutes”. It’s about buildings providing an extremely safe space where they can regroup to heal and restock on ammo. Plasma through the doorways gets you shot the hell up because you’re slowly peeking in with your charged shot which will then probably hit something you didn’t want it to due to dodgy collision detection.

When the pred needs to heal he doesn’t run 20m away to a spot that the FT know they cannot really do anything about. He legs which in turn gives the FT a chance to regroup and this is fine, it’s fair.

Leap smash makes them work for their heals which is how it should be.

…have you played predator? He gets 15 ammo and that’s it. You can’t run over a thrown net and add it back into your ammo like with the bow. You need to be careful with the net.

Righty then…Yes it is “unstoppable” which is 100% a good thing. Not really the issue though because while doing it you should be getting lit up. It’s a risky move unless you’re 100% sure no one is close enough.

It does depend on what platform you play on and your skill level but high level PC FT are crazy right now. They deal far too much damage and have far too much intel on the predator (spotting just needs to go).

And about room slam and slam animation cancel, both allow pred to be not 100% shit against the broken FTs out there now. Both should stay.


Thx for pointing out only the minority of the points that were wrong and not the majority which were right.

I was only pointing out that most of the aspects preds main complained up to now, were counterable by some mecanics they already had. Versus the fact that a lot of attack/ skill the pred has are impossible to counter by the FT.

It’s been a while since I played with a netgun. I thought it was infinite because everytime I used it I never ran out of ammo…

half the fireteams i play just get in a building and wait out the clock. if one man goes down after reinforce forget it. they are jumping on desks in a building and waiting. I used to not slam the roof or do it here and there so they come out but they dont so fuck it im just going to slam em to death and get it over with from now on.

if they hide in there even if theyll die, theyll hide in there extra hard if slam doesnt penetrate. games will be reduced to having to make an entry as a pred into some building or spamming plasma into it.

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You can’t be serious in thinking that the lack of collision wasn’t intentional & is somehow an exploit. Plasma caster also damages through terrain. Grenades, even the grenade launcher can be bounced off edges and clip through stuff and get hits. It’s part of the game design like every other explosive AOE. It’s to keep people from idling in buildings covering all corners and doorways with their infinite medkits and ammo packs. You’re meant to be exposed for 10 seconds using these and instead people just hunker down in a building & want it to be conpletely safe risk free 8x heals. The actual answer to this is to use your ability to SPRINT AND HEAL SYRINGE to exit the building instead of staring at the wall for 8-12 seconds waiting to get slammed again.

If you get 3x downs slamming a roof over and over for over half a minute it’s because the fireteam literally isn’t moving or is trying to get some downed guy up without covering him from a slam or caster hit, which would also happen out in the open - because the FT is bad.
There’s no reason for buildings to be “safe zones” outside of the very large difficult to cover ones.

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dude its the only thing they ever think .

Spoken like a salty Predator that has no idea how to play Predator lol. Yeah no. Fuck this slam through terrain shit. You know how to deal with turtled Fireteams? Bear traps on the doorways to trap them in, motion sensor to keep constant visual tabs, charged PC shots for AOE and destroying their medkits and ammo bags, smart disc if you are feeling frisky, spear chuck can be nice too, pot shots with bow to drain health supplies and in some buildings literally just run through net a guy or two and cup check them then peace out rinse and repeat until they get fed up with it. In other words you have all the tools you need to deal with them without being a pussy so pull your balls out of your purse and ‘get good’ or piss off.

Predator main here before you try to pull that bias shit on me by the way lol.

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Spoken like a true noob.

Bear traps get triggered by NPCs.

The only thing that effectively counters camping in a building is the smart disk, but its garbage because of the sensitivity glitch.


right because those types of players would 100% walk into them. lol fuckin moron these guys dont care about wining they care about not letting the predator win witch is why they do that im glad they have the slam the way it is in game.

They do, all explosives clip through walls, not just slam. I’ve been damaged few times by nads going off on the other side of a wall.

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an exploit is an exploit no matter how you look at it


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i personally think the slam should go in favor of better room clearing mechanics or gadgets.

If the FT want to turtle that is their right to do it.

My gripe with small to medium sized buildings especially by the satelite dish is the 3rd person pred camera doesnt favor interior play in buildings of that size. doorways become dangerous and getting the character stuck makes me more nervous than the fireteam.

all that to say though, in the end its still a non issue.

question though was it confirmed roof slam is an exploit and not designed for this purpose?

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Then you throwing a frag nade or flashbang at the fence and it hitting the pred behind it charging a caster shot is also an exploit