Is it hard to criticize someone for abusing glitches and cheating to compensate for a lack of skill? I should think not but here we are XD
Roof slam is fair
You’re just not playing the same game as everyone else in the discord scene.
Yeah. Because I’m not a pussy that has to cheat XD
Meanwhile you and your buddies rely entirely on these glitches and macro’s and all that good stuff then preach to everyone else that they just need to learn how to play with skill lol
You’d get stomped either way.
I could destroy you with or without glitches.
Oh and the final admission of defeat wherein you forsake any pretense of excusing your grevious cheating and pull the classic, “I could beat you anyways bro!” And inadvertently admit in doing so that you do in fact engage in cheating and now… your honor, I rest my case :3 you are a pussy lol
Well sounds like a challenge, prove him wrong.
Pretty sure he is on PC and I am on console. Besides I don’t play with cheaters and never made any claims of my skill as FT, only that his buddy is a trash Predator and they are pussies for cheating lol
The contention wasn’t his skill or lack there of but that him and his buddies are cheaters. He has already adequately demonstrated that so what point does that challenge serve to me? Doesn’t make him suddenly not a bitch for cheating lol. It’s like losing an argument about taxes or some shit then acting like the other guy is a bitch because he won’t fisticuff over it after he got railroaded in the argument lol
So the animation cancel after a slam is bullshit. The slam through walls AOE is still here after the patch, if they patch it out then it was never meant to be. But most FTs who bitch about roof slam use the grenade through walls exploit, so I have no sympathy.
If they do exploit that with grenades I totally agree. You can’t use a glitch and then turn around and bitch when it is used against you. That is stupid lol.
But honestly I see fairly few grenades being used as Predator and it is so easy to avoid since you can see it
Oh yeah I won’t roof slam until they pull that bullshit, but when they do, it’s game on.
The only time I have ever done is has been accidental whether because my leap didn’t land where the marker was or I just flat out missed and didn’t have the presence to cancel it in time. Beyond that I have never consciously and deliberately used it much less that bullshit displayed above in that video.
I can count on one hand how many times I’ve done it.
About the same here give or take a few digits. Just feels so cheap and disgusting. Even if it is a legit mechanic I still don’t care for it.
It’s more like i’ve never actually seen you take anyones advice. Hence why everyone’s response to you is “git gud.”
“Predator heals too much there’s too many pigs! He should be fucked after one person drops his hp to half two times in a game!”
And then we say, well go do the objective or just cover the pigs if hes eating 10 feet away from you right next to the compound and immediately jumping back in.
And your response to that is NONONO THATS BULLSHIT
And then you complain about slams as you post a video of a team that just stands there braindead, deaf, and blind trying to revive the guy on the floor while you run in between all of them and wail on them with a combistick & they dont even know how to switch to a knife. And then going look at me I killed them without slamming! Wow combistick must be OP or you are an amazing tacticool predator! Fucking no.
People that play like that are dead regardless of whether or not you slam them, or plasma caster them, or beartrap all their revives.
Because this game has no matchmaking.
Meanwhile on the other end of the spectrum any half decent FT spreads out and realizes they don’t have to literally stand on top of eachother & all risk taking damage simultaneously to complete an objective. Even if you’re using a controller and DONT have the aim assist you need to cancel a leap slam at the bare minimum I know you have to be aware that you can sprint for a second and a half in any direction and congratz the slam missed and the predator is now overloaded and rooted with no stamina fully visible to everyone. But alas that would require an open space! Or view of where he landed! You don’t want to be anywhere you have mobility options or can provide covering fire though because you don’t understand what that is.
You don’t want to sprint anywhere the same way you don’t want to play aggressively vs the predator sitting right outside the camp eating pigs in that other thread, but at the same time expect to be able to kill him. You just want to huddle somewhere with your back against a wall healing uncontested in every single compound you run through and hope the pred will step within view of the doorway because of your EPIC 4 MAN TURTLING FOR ATLEAST TWO MINUTES WHILE YOU ALL HEAL TO FULL STRAT.
How many times do you have to lose to something to realize you have to change something? “Predators are playing more aggressively instead of just shooting two caster shots out of the treeline halfway through the match! Maybe I should adapt my playstyle!” But nah.
Turtling in buildings used to work for you and you’d all heal up and the dumbass zerker would eventually run in and die, I get it.
Here’s another fucking tip you’ll refuse to accept, you can cook the frag in your hand and now it’s viable. You can even lob them at the center of trees and the splash will hit the pred regardless. But you wouldn’t know this as a god amongst playstation fireteams.
You are a prime example of why ps4 and PC need different forums for balancing. Or they need to give ps4 aim assist because jesus look at that fireteam in your video and compare it to the strafing, sidestepping, parrying, bunnyhoping solo guy in Draedark’s video. If there were even two of them playing like that with enough sense to leave the building they’d still have plenty of control over the match.
Like even if you don’t fight this guy that you’re calling a cheater before even playing him, post some of your “competitive” fireteam gameplay where you’re hopeless against getting slammed over and over by some incredibly strong scout because watching all of you die within 3 feet of eachother sounds entertaining for me right now.
That’s because your advice is largely based on bullshit lol. Cover the pigs? Pigs don’t stay in one spot, get startled and run off and in only a few locations do they spawn near outposts and it is out of the way of the objectives. The fact you think covering every boat which may be there or may have run off or this and that while doing all this other shit is plainly stupid. Sorry but it’s dumb lol. And if he is eating ten feet away then yeah deal with it but if he went a ways away to use a boar then you would have to hunt him and that goes against your prior advice of doing objective to race him to a boar he can see but you can’t until you get there. And that is entirely circumstantial lol.
And oh no that one clip! Yeah. They were trash. That’s why I let them reinforce and decided to toy with them. But you guys are always saying that camping is insurmountable without the roof slam. That’s your words, not mine. And you never have anything to back it up with except nonsense that my arguments directly refute and any Predator worth their salt could readily pick up and you’re only response is to smear every single point instead of offering actual rebuttals.
And even shit like this, dodge a roof slam you can’t see coming. What? And then you smear my point once more like a disgusting hack job and make the claim I am saying leap smash is overpowered. Because you can’t handle any disagreement so you have to lie and smear about literally everything lol.
And then you once smear smear and smear by saying me saying turtling isn’t overpowered means I am against any and all aggressive tactics against a Predator and not fighting out in the open every single second means you are against it lol. You can’t have an honest debate and then want to bitch and whine when you aren’t taken seriously.
Oh no! The buildings are so strong! Yeah. I have never turtled anyways and once more you smear me as being primarily FT. Because you cannot possibly fathom that a Predator player wants to actually be challenged so instead of addressing the arguments all you do is character assassination to discredit any relevant points the individual makes lol. Most of the times I go into buildings is to collect money because I am farming or to hold an objective but I guess that is camping to you like anything else is. Hell I bet you look at people waiting at the exfil and think they are campers too XD and I don’t turtle because even without the roof slam it’s not typically a great idea against any Predator with more than a sliver of common sense. In fact it actively works against you in almost level. The only use for it is as a desperate last resort and I usually take my chances mudding up and running through the thickets to try to sneak an exfil. So way to totally miss your mark there.
Pretty sure that frag cooking is bullshit but I will try it and see. Because unlike you I don’t make baseless claims nonstop. Still trying to test that dams he during leap smash theory you peddled but haven’t had much success because I usually play solo and I’m not a particularly great shot. Unlike your representation of me claiming to be some kind of God because I am not a retard that can’t handle turtling lol.
Firstly his buddy posted evidence of him cheating. Secondly his buddy there is vociferously defending that and explicitly stated that exploiting glitches and cheating is acceptable because that is how competitive gaming works. Thirdly I don’t give a fuck about proving something they are admitting to and providing evidence of the fact they engage in it XD
And I have been lasered plenty of times by Fireteams pre patch, not as much since for whatever reason, and still wound up coming up on top even as it rigged as it was without being a pussy and cheating. Now I lost plenty to those guys and those victories were more or less by the skin of my teeth but if I don’t have to do that on console you don’t have any excuse on PC. Because the fact you are on PC versus PC means if you lose it’s because they were better than you, so long as no cheating was involved, not because it is rigged against you. For a bunch of PC master race fellas you sure seem to make a lot of excuses for why you can’t win matches.
So, with all due respect, take your constant smears and piss off. Unless you wanna provide some actual tactic insight your majesty is privy to that is beyond the console plebs beyond stupid shit like keep track of every boar on the map or good Fireteam good then I can’t be bothered.