who uses either of those?
Roof slam is fair
never touched them
Nope so I have no idea why people are parroting that AOE is an exploit. Every single explosion in the game clips through obstacles.
Unless they’re getting it mixed up with the animation cancel ice skating thing
From my testing, both Plasma Cannon and Leap Slam AoE goes through objects/walls. That leads me to the conclusion that this is the desired behavior as both use the same “tech” and this is consistent.
FT frag grenades and grenade launchers did not seem to go through objects/walls, though they have a much larger AoE. That also seems consistent for that “tech.”
it is a curious oversight if it is an exploit. it may be by design, if there are enough posts they may change it. maybe they thought if a team gets slammed they would come out and confront the predator who revealed himself to be ontop of the team and without energy and not just stay in the same position.
i can see the gliding after landing a slam being a broken mechanic because they animation is obviously broken but where does the certainty that slam damage is an exploit come from?
It doesn’t matter. They don’t have to walk into them. It is there to block them in. Let’s them know you are the one calling the shots and they fucked up trapping themselves in because now, since not many folks are rocking grenade launchers or even frags they have no way of pursuing you if you rush in and fuck them up and get wounded. One guy could literally block the door and prevent pursuit while trapped. Fucking moron. They don’t have to walk into them in fact in that scenario it’s actually probably better for you if they aren’t dumb enough to do so but if they do it is a free call. Ever heard of zoning?
And if they turtle in a building they lose a lot of offensive potential. That means you basically have reign to do whatever you want and if they wanna stay in there for a full fifteen minutes and you allow them to survive that long… you’re a scrub. Hate to be the first one to tell but you’re kind of a potato if you can’t kill a Fireteam that is just camping one building for fifteen minutes. That’s on you. Or is what you are really suggesting that the Predator should just be able to waltz and steam roll them?
I think it’s just a meme perpetuated by people who refuse to leave the building at this point.
it doesnt go all the way down if you slam the roof of a warehouse on derailed does it? if it does then i would agree its probably broken.
Other buildings seem to mostly be that specific low level height perhaps for the very reason of slam damage being relayed to the team inside. There are some by the satellite dish with slightly higher ceilings i think though and it still goes through.
Wait you can destroy the FTs medical and ammo bags as Predator?
Only the small shacks and smaller buildings. Or that one building with the windows that open that dips in the middle. Doesn’t go all the way down.
So you are one of those retards that doesn’t know how to use a bear trap and just throw it down while AI’s pour in? And if they are camping there and haven’t killed all the NPC’s kill them yourself. They ain’t coming anyways in this described scenario and even if they do while ya do so then good lol.
Yeah. So you got no idea what you are talking about then huh? PC might have gotten nerfed but that charged PC still does a grip of damage and even uncharged arrows are nothing to scoff at either. If they are turtling and you need the roof slam then you’re the noob my man lol.
Yep. Three uncharged PC shots or one full charged.
ya 2 fast plasma hits or a charged hit
I have only been able to test this alone so finding the exact radius of the AoE is difficult. I am also assuming that it is shaped as a sphere and not a cylinder.
The size of the blast does not seem to be large enough to penetrate from the roof all the way to the floor in the larger buildings on Derailed. Possibly more evidence of it not being a glitch.
oh its 3? i thought all items were 2 hits
Takes two caster shots for one medical bag so good luck with that while they light you up lmao. Hitbox for it is more finnicky than the one for downed players. You trade a bunch of damage to kill a medical kit while they just throw another down in the corner of a building basically.
The ones around the map are two usually except the ammo crates but I just use full charge on those so
its jokes charging up and blasting an ammo bag or medkit while they are all staring at it though
It takes less if you charge it up? I know at least this is true for the stationary ammo and health kits that are on the map. 1 charged shot and they are gone.
The FT placed ones are stronger?
I’d get it if the splash atleast hits the medical kit while you’re aiming at the people just standing right ontop of it but naaah two precision shots for one medkit