Roof slam is fair

Wait there is dev confirmation on this? Please share links!

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Yeah. It’s a broken mechanic and it shouldn’t be in place. Or should we bring back the infinite parry too? It was designed that way so obviously we should keep it right? Fucking moron.

If we wanna be stupid about it let’s totally undo the previous patch because that is the way it was so it has to stay that way lol

ya id appreciate that link too

id like for example that little rocket thing predator shoots out of his gauntlet in predator 2. it would be cool if it could stick in a wall and be remote detonated. gadgets like that for rooms would be better than what we got now or roof slam.

I’ve heard EFTs say well maybe it’s okay if it goes through a tin roof but not one of the other buildings. The distinction is stupid. The second the devs patch it so only tin roofs can be slammed you’ll see FTs camping in certain buildings where they feel safe. The beauty of slam as it is now is that it keeps the pressure on the FT as it should be. There is nowhere on the map that should be seen as a safe haven for the FT; that’s the point of the game.

Maybe they did design it that way but it’s still exploiting because you are basically unreasonably punishing people for playing in a specific manner, in some situations they might be forced into and it be out of their control, because… turtling is ‘too strong’. Anyone with a shred of intelligence that has any experience against it knows that it can be tough to break but it’s not in feasible by any means and you have plenty of tools to do so with. People get annoyed with it but should we do bullshit like that discourage playing defensively and not being forced while bruised and shit to instead of going into a building to catch a breath and try to recover just instantly die for it we have to trek through the jungle totally exposed? Does that seem fair to you? If it does you’re kind of a loser.

You mean how the FT punishes Predator players if they get sloppy or play in a particular way? Hmmmmm

Oh? When exactly did Fireteam start shooting through trees and walls again?

How about we have it so Fireteam can blows up tree branches and you fall and take significant damage from it? If you wanna be fucking stupid about it then let’s not half ass it at least.

FT already can shoot branches or blow them up with grenades…

Only the leafed parts dude. You can still run across them. It is just slightly more exposed lll

maybe its designed that way but its still exploiting NO ITS FUCKIN NOT DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT THAT WORD MEANS you no joke just said its not then it was in the same sentence

all i hear form you is play my way or your exploiting lol

Y’all are babies…

Chill out…

Who cares?

S’a video game, y’know…?


I think the people in favor of this have a fundamental misunderstanding of turtling like this does. It puts the Fireteam is a fairly strong defensive position. Ok. That is a bit advantage sure. With a good Fireteam it can be tough to crack too. What else? What other advantages do they have in that position? I’ll give ya the short answer: None. The long answer would be they are sacrificing any counter pressure, they are dragging out the game with only hurts them the longer they hold it, they are cutting themselves off from resources in the area that could keep them going without expending their own supplies and if even if they Second Wind they can’t do too much with it. So as the Predator you have all the time in the world while they hold that to break them, even just doing little bits of damage continuously you can starve them, you may not be able to claim as easily or at all but you can still finish from range with a couple of decent charged shots. They can’t do anything consequential to you while in that position. They have to abandon it to do so. Yeah it might be a little annoying them camping like that, so what? What’s your point? How does this warrant ridiculous mechanics that allow you to hit through walls?


Ok. Bring back infinite parry, roll back nerf on medkits and ammo bags and medical and ammo boxes and all that then.

Never said anything about playing my way but I guess if you are a total retard then when you hear, “Don’t be a dumbass. Use your head.”
That qualifies right?

Let’s just make the game a big old dick measuring contest of who can we make more broken than the other shall we?

that screams Fair team main here. yea i bet you would like wining all your games with out any effort " dont use exploits’ " play my way because ima cry about it on the forums" lol fuckin child

I actually am a Predator SCOUT main retard. If you had read a single word I said you would know that because I made it clear I was a Predator main in my very first response. Idiot.