Room trapped by fireteam

Yes, we all fell for that sometime… :) But I like it. I do like teams, who play following a strategy. But at the same time I just respect those, who do it following the basic ideas of the game too. Sometimes one encounters a team, which does not do the mission at all. For a premade FT-team it then is relatively easy to survive the predator attacks - we have demonstrated that with just 3 FTs already i nthis forum…

If the predator comes down from the trees resp. out of cover, 4 FT-guns simply make more damage then 1 Pred-gun - per time. Easy calculation…

In that case I normally just stay out of reach and fire here and then a long range shot, but one cannot “win” this way. Sometimes I then get bored or impatient – but hopping right into the middle of 4 FTs then normally does not end good…

The only strategy known to me, against such a 4 FT premade team ignoring the mission, is to let the time run down and try to kill (just) one of them right before that happens - you then have “won”.

Means: wait until they come out or just enter shortly before the time is running down, kill one and hope:)

Some people are very good in firing the shoulder plasma into buildings in weird angles too - but that’s not me…


I obviously fell for that too… But old does not necessarily means bad:)

Its the oldest trick in the book. Even being aware of it I’ve got cought up in the action and made that wrong move a few times, but you gotta protect ya neck. That would be nice if they added a melee were you bitch slap the ft and knock em back a few feet like JH did to Dutch tho, but until then jus gotta be aware of those tactics

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You hear that @Cadillackid, there’s hope for you yet!


I’ve proven over and over youth and exuberance are no match for age and treachery. Keep it up I’ll give you another demonstration at the local Denny’s


Bring it on old man! I’m not the Dennys table breaking champion for nothin!

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I just got a vision: an Oldies vs Youngsters tournament… Any further volunteers? And tell us, whether you belong to the Os or Ys…

  • Oldie but Goldie
  • Vigorous Youngster

0 voters

Hey man, can’t blame them for trying. If you are not careful, it happens, you can fuck up or be fucked.

Get gud and use plasma caster rather than charging

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Depending on the room I’ll run in and take some shots and run out. Sometimes I’ll stand outside and potshot. But most of the time if they huddle up in there I’ll decloak and just spam the hell out of it. I’ve been called out for it too, and honestly I could care less, its how I enjoy this game. And if you’re gonna circlejerk inside somewhere and not invite me, you deserve it.

Listen, it’s a risk to go in a building in the 1st place.
Second…you have a caster, I can’t tell you enough times I seen a fireteam camp a building and get annihilated by me shooting the hell out of of them with a caster and trapping them. When I go in a building, I make sure I have room and damn well make sure 3 aren’t just outside the entrance ready to spring a trap. You just got to be alert about your surroundings and you’ll survive more often then due like a rat.