RTX 4090: Experience with noise level of RTX 3090s?

Obviously, PHG won’t reasonably benefit from these GPUs.

Just asking before RTX 4090 purchase:

  1. Do you have experience with the noise level of RTX 3090s?

  2. Is there a preferred manufacturer or model regarding noise?

  3. Any experience with integrated liquid cooling?
    Noise level, additional wattage, maintenance required/lifetime?
    Several RTX4090 shall feature such integrated liquid cooling systems like MSI SUPRIM Liquid. Due to possible lifetime limitations these might be a waste.



idfk lol

Nope lol. Idk why im even here

He/she could easily google all that information, but instead he/she post a thread where 90% are console players who can give zero fucks about graphics cards and the 10% PC players don’t like him/her.

What a troll.


No trolling or baiting. Just asking.

He/she/it does have other sources but it is not unlikely that PHG players have RTX 3090s and may share their experience.

Didn’t you buy an RTX 3070 at release date two years ago?

Will you upgrade to RTX4x00?

Are you still promoting racism?

You know those cards are mostly black, right?

Make sure to buy a white one.


I’m a poor Latino immigrant who crossed the border illegally. Even without paying taxes, because I don’t have documents, my pay is too low to afford a high end graphics card. I can barely afford to feed myself, I can’t buy any Cell-Tech products from @Sgt.CellTech as I don’t have money for high protein diet. I’m doomed to be natty for the rest of my life, just like Mike O’Tren.


So you’re telling me you’ve found a way to avoid taxes!?!?

Fuck, do tell more, I’m all ears. Is it possible to learn this power?

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Not for a legal resident.


no one avoids paying tax! @Godbless

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Cue the Vader “Noooooooo…”

The way to beat sales tax is five finger discount everything.

Also learn how to steal catalytic converters

How to be successful in life just like Kali Muscle


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His recent heart attack had nothing to do with drugs I promise.

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CT Fletcher either, it can happen to anyone, even on a high calorie diet of tuna and ramen.

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$2.30 a meal and people talking about they can’t afford to get big.

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I’ve already mastered pt 2

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who the fuck cares about a noisy computer?

Put a headset, you won’t hear the computer fans and your screaming voice will be louder than them anyway so your family/roomies won’t complain about it either

If the pc is too loud during idle there’s plenty of free and paid fan control software/hardware that will take care of it.

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AIO liquid coolers have a lifespan of about 5 years. Your GPU will be outdated by then anyway. You can always replace it with a cheap $40 AIO cooler and a $20 NZXT universal bracket if you wish to sell it in the used market or continue using and the cooler died.