Salty FT losers need now to learn how to play....

Just had a game where I just destroyed the FT, they left behind one of them so the remaining 3 were not so hard to kill espt since 2 of them left the guy to call reinforcements alone, now this guy, irish13 something starts to call me “Mohamed” and he’s salty because he lost…

How dumb the FT is? Now that the Predator finally can do something this salty dumbass thinks he is entitled to win…

If you are like this guy then maybe “GET GUD SON” and do not split 2 times!!!Leaving the Predator to kill you one by one.
And stop being salty.


I think the game balance is pretty decent and at least heading in the right direction with the latest changes. Playing FT is no longer just a speedrun under 7 minutes while predator poses as much threat as a cawing bird on a branch.

Now it feels FT needs to respect the pred somewhat. I’m liking it :)

Some predator weapons are still in the “so bad as unusable” category, and theres plenty of bugs, but were getting there.


The club is pure Trash, it require so much stamina and doesn’t do that much of a damage.
The “smart” disk isn’t really that smart, it’s so slow and the FT can easly spot and avoid, also, if they spot you while you threw the disk then say good bye to the bio Mask…

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The club actually does less damage than the claws. Does like twenty damage or some stupid shit despite being the ‘heavy weapon’.

The melee weapons all do same damage, but have different attack patterns. And I guess the club can knock someone down?

I do agree that the club is bad. My preferred weapon so far is the elder sword. (I havent unlocked stick yet)

The Combistick is the Holy Grail…
I use it and the Yautja Bow/Net Gun, depends on the mood.
But I so love games where I use the Combistick, to know someone, retreat, wait for one FT member to come revive, throw it and the go with the Wrist blades to finish both of them or even all of them.

I also energy slam my way there with the Wrist blades…

Not anymore it isn’t. Combi will more than likely get you killed with the nerf. Best to stick to ranged attacks or 2 members of the Fireteam.

Well, I still do well with combi, the reach helps me A LOT and the throw does consisten damage…

I’ve always just used the Disc or Elder Sword. The Combi kind of rubbed me the wrong way.

Of course I drain them with the Plasma Caster in early but if I get the opportunity to catch someone alone or at singnifact distance from his teammates, I go melee…

Hell yeah.

I don’t like the disk, it s hard to use and easy to dodge, plus that if you get spotted while you threw the disk you get into a lot of trouble.

I used to use the Elder sword but I found it to be a little slow compared to the Wrist Blades and Combistick.

Wrist blades do more damage overall

Wrist blades are definitely better than the sword. Just a preference for me because it looks mad cool.

Illfonic will nerf the Combistick throw long before they try to fix the other weapons… Lol

Unless that was changed in this patch, which I saw no notes off, then no. All weapons do not do the same damage.

Well, for me the Combi is very reliable…
Long reach, decent damage, throw…I really like it.
What I love about it is the fact that I can hit two targets in one swing if I get the FT in a building…

Maybe but the melee on the pred is broken the fireteam should have a stagger or something only weapon you can use to attack the fireteam in melee is the combi stick and now thats been nerfed the sword just doesnt have the range the FT just walk backwards whilst im smashing them with a club or sword frustrating

I don’t think the problem is the game then mate the problem is the player been salty with you.
You can report the players and it is stated that in the licencing and software contract all PS plus members and players of the game must obey the guidelines set.
1 of them being “no direct abuse to other players over any media such as mic chat or messages ect.”
Truth is mate once we report them we never know what happens. If anything at all.
If this player really is singling you out and being abusive to you have the right to report but should not stoop to their level and respond the same way.
Best option mate is to ignore, mute, report and block them but to also expect it’s going to happen as it’s people who can hide behind a user I.D.
There’s also another option and that’s to have a look at the online communities see if anyone is hosting a group you can get along with.

I never believed in reports if you trash talk, it’s ok, but really, it annoys me a bit knowing how weak the Predator was and now the he received his well deserved buffs, stupid people think that he is OP?
Really? hahahaha