Samurai Predator bugs

I looked around some and didn’t see anyone mention these yet.

  1. when using samurai pred and using your standard shoulder plasma caster, it fires from your thigh instead, which of course half the time hits the thing your standing on and hurts you some and gives away your position. Especially since the laser is still on the mask so they see it as well like normal.

  2. If you use both the katana in primary slot and combi stick in secondary slot. The combi stick doesn’t show up on inventory wheel, in its place is a second shoulder plasma caster which only turns into a combi stick in your hand if you expend all your energy.

did some testing, for 1. the standard shoulder caster is selected top left in menu it fires from thigh. The second one that shows up in far right middle slot (where the secondary should be fires from shoulder) Also flipped the combi and katana slots and no katana that time around.

Tracking is rough for the Katana not goin lie

katana or combi slap slap throw… katana is hot garbage

5 hits to down dutch or suppt… garbage

@YUPPERS dont forget to use secondary attack combined with first attack…3 hits u can kill dutch…
and so on…

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Thats 4 hits tho?

I’ve seen auto claims from samurai pred myself, and the katana is sick not hot trash though the tracking is wonky

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But it’s a great hit and run with a scout and the bleed damage is small but in a war of attrition it makes them use up there syrette, and health packs until they have no way to heal. I have taken down as many samurai predators as have taken me. I like it but they need to smooth out the edges or fine tune it a little. And this isnt specifically to you Richter but a general response

Thats how I run my hunter hit and run baby all day make them guess

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Katana and bow is sickly stealthy and so much fun add some sound decoys to really spice up the sauce make them freak if they dont have to perk for spotting traps, you watch them run around like chickens with their heads off

Thats my loadout on my pred

u can do 4 hits in total, probably 5, but for dutch need 2 heavy and one normal…is kinda easy…
still, depends a lot.
if they have owlf training well…u probably need 4 5 hits.
but in general is great.

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you cant engage an above avg FT… they will just unload on you…your gonna have to break them down with ranged. That and they can spam right click with knives for parry

i just faught 4 pc players…they try to parry…some of them let s say they succed…but if u jump when they parry u actually dodge the dmg from their knives. right after they parry u…is simple tbh…way simple.
i always focus a lot on pc players to get them down quickly, and ps4 players making them enjoy the game.

plasma pistol seems to work pretty good, the mix ups are far better than the katana… and the dmg

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idk, depends on the playstile, i like to be like a ghost with the katana, 2 hits and jump, let the bleed make its efect.
probably u are not used to the katana, probably u dont like it…depends.
who am i to jugde your playstile :))

just saying one plasma burst auto cancel hits twice… insta down… now its time to setup traps… all my builds are built around PC premades. to pull off most efficiently you need a hunter. sam and berserk er lack dmg unless you want to give up stamina… don’t recommend it!!!

as a main scout…what can i say XD. basicly is a different class, and i like it.

as a hunter you can move like a scout and have all the hp benefits and more gear…