Samurai Sword

Give fireteam a Samurai sword. It’s not like it would be out of context either.
Heck, make it a two handed weapon in our hands. Slower to attack and harder for us to parry pred, but also do significant damage.

We all have seen the movies, books, comics, etc. Can’t tell me it wouldn’t fit considering it’s been a thing for humans. But instead you gave it to a pred only? Don’t mistake me though, I love it on the pred, but it would also be quite useful for the fireteam as well. With or even without a class designed for it.

Only if they add a fuedal Japan map where all Fireteam are reskinned as Samurai and the only ranged weapon they get is a bow

Why would you need a Samurai Sword when you can shank Predator to death just fine with a normal knife?

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I want a butter knife skin for the knife.

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Having a wakizashi or better yet, a tantō makes more sense then a large katana to be honest. Not to cumbersome to have on you during times of modern day combat, but also larger than your basic combat knife that gives you the edge in having the superior length.

Fireteam also needs an axe, dealing over 200 dmg when you land a shot, regardless of how many you missed.

Well, if we do the math and take into consideration that the pred axe is a one-shot weapon, the ft needs an melee weapon that can inflict minimum of 1000hp damage on pred per hit.

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