Savage Berserker Discussion/Step by Step Guide to Being a Clown

It’s more annoying if you understand Spanish.
Literally its like

The other day 私は車の中にいました and then ゴジラが現れた.


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Real shit 🤣

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Caught the Gojira katakana. Noice.

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Playing against a 4-man premade sweat fest and surviving, I’d call that a W in my book.

Brazilian language doesn’t exist.


It does tho.

Its portuguese, but portuguese from Brazil is a little different than the one from Portugal let’s say, its fine to call it like that.

It’s like saying people from Mexico speak Mexican smh…

You don’t get to rename a language just because it’s a little different than its original form.

Spanish is spoken in all Latin American countries and they all have their own accent and colloquialism, it’s still Spanish 🤷🏽‍♂️

Just like @FromTheHood he’s from Serbia, but he speaks Yugoslavian 🤐

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Dialect vs. Language can be kinda muddy, to be fair. Icelandic, Faroese, Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish are all different languages but someone that speaks Icelandic can understand and be understood by all of the languages.

lmao. A sure way to win friends from the Balkan countries.

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Not really, after Latin was dispersed to the point where it was no longer distinguished from its original form, Spanish, Portugués, Italian, and French (I think) were born…

I can go to any Spanish speaking country and understand 99% of the people there.

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Capisce 🤌🏻


Haven’t you learned anything on this forum?

If you’re from Brazil, you speak Brazilian, if you’re from Mexico, you speak Mexican, if you’re from Argentina, you speak Argentinian.

Same with me, I was born in Yugoslavia, thus I speak Yugoslavian, the fact that language doesn’t even exist, that doesn’t matter, 'cause brain cells on this forum don’t exist either.


I’m glad you finally admitted it. I’m taking a screenshot btw and throwing in your face every chance I get 🥸


That won’t change the fact that tu hermano esta Fantasma. 😂




I see I’m late to the shitshow.

Moder Fakking, FAMILIIIIIIIIiiiiiiiiiii….


At the moment, savage berserker is a crutch of a class. Fighting with honor is not about going for four downs, four claims, and four minutes of gameplay only to be thrust back into the queue for another 5-10 minutes. Seems boring, uninteresting, and uninviting to the newer but cognizant players. A long game is a good game for all! There are incentives to making your games last longer, and OP has made this very clear.

If you’re good at the game, then you’re probably not using savage berserker, and that’s probably because you know better. At the moment, the class and weapon setup is toxic to play against. Normally when I play, it’s customary to give the predator a fighting chance, but if I witness a predator do something egregiously distasteful with the class on one of my FT members, then it’s straight in the bin with them.

For the love of this game - fight with honor and heed OP’s words.

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Fuck honour it will get you killed

Also, kill everyone as fast as possible


Duality of men.

So these last couple of days I’ve pretty much only encountered hunter fervent or zerker savages and every single one is the same with one exception. They will either melee rush you the combi or the axe. In solo pubs unless your bait is spread out a bit they will all die in 10 seconds and if you haven’t dealt enough damage you’re done. If you have at least one competent teammate you’re fine though. This new “meta” is dumb as shit.

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