Does anyone play that hell let loose? Jus got it over the weekend and damnet boy that immersion is top tier. Imo feels the closet you can get to a ww2 game. Feels like your playing in savin private ryan, enemy at the gates, band of brothers, etc. Does take some gettin used to, i hopped in thinkin it was gonna be jus an expanded version of CoD or Battlefield but its not like those at all except for it being a 1st person shooter. This game (at least the lil ive played so far) feels like its set to CoD hardcore mode where it dont take but 1-2 shots to body bag you. Still gettin used to it, but is pretty badass.
Saving ryans privates
It’s a great game
If you like that you might consider Arma Reforger
It’s an alternate reality where the Cold War went hot
Set in 1989 it pits the USSR vs USA
It’s a bit more in depth than Hell Let Loose
Also Isonzo which is WW1 on the Italian Front and Insurgency Sandstorm which like 2010 Afghanistan
All of which are infinitely better than this game
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Those are on ps5?
I remember that game its kinda like arma lol one time I was a machine gunner and they tried to flank us on the other side of the house and I just mowed them down lol
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