SAW Sniper rifle screwing up

PC, fixed window size, is messing up when aimed and firing. The scope and aim is messed up after a second successive shot. However when releasing the aim to hipfire then back again, it is ok.

Most evident during a jump and aiming in mid-air


It seems that x10Scope is doing badly.
Try changing to an x6 or x4 scope.


Not just you.
Has been an issue for multiple patches as well.

Hopefully gets fixed soon. You should put this in the bug report section.


I think it’s intentional— it happens to me too. IRL sniper rifles of that nature cause site picture to be broken after round is sent down-range because of the heavy recoil the shooters face pulls away from the scope.

The shooter needs to make a new Cheek-to-Stock Weld and regain Site Picture before taking another shot.

We know the game isn’t real life, but the SAWZ-50 has been like this for awhile and despite the STATS we see for each weapon, the SAWZ-50 impacts much harder than the 7EN.

But it could also be a glitch — I wouldn’t be surprised either way.


Its funny since the 7EN shoots spicy 50. cal rounds and the SAWZ shoots much smaller 300. win mag rounds

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It s fine , imagine having a sniper rifle with fast fire rate and most damage in the game. Snipers are broken already, buffing the 7EN will only break the game more.

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My second shots with SAWZ never deals damage. I need to get out the in sight aim and aim again to deal damage.

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Yeah the 7EN is supposed to be a .50 anti-tank semi-auto sniper rifle, lol. It should definitively have the best TtK out of the Sniper Rifle class. The single shot bolt action beating it is just sad.

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Same thing with the AA-12, the last shotgun to unlock and it’s worthless…

But seriously the X10 scope was working fine at launch. I think the bug occured since the 2nd update and it was never corrected.
Can we at least know if the devs are aware of it ? @Courier, @OldKingHamlet

🤣🤣 Knowing those sweaty snipers are struggling with their ridiculously OP rifles does make me smile 🤣🤣

Well I’m not using the snipers anymore because the only decent scope is bugged. I think I do more dmg now since I’m always near the fight, so it’s not such a good thing for the pred. The X6 could be rework too in a way it doesn’t block half the screen…

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