Scout Preds (post some vids)

I’ve never used a pure scout or berserker 😔

You whore.

Oh yeah?!

Maybe I will!

But never that bastard Alpha!

Well considering I am back from my hiatus, I’ll see what I can do.

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I mean true it’s just the only examples I have for clear distinction between skills of different players

Made the catagories more distinct between them use it as you need

The issue with scout is he’s meant to be the ranged harassment character, but the meta of the game makes every predator the ranged harassment characters lol. So he just does what everyone does but with less HP


Im a solid wood tier player then

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Take tutelage from the king scout himself @Thescoutpredmain

It’s an older video but still

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I main elder.

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What do you mean by proxy/shifo level?

Hi, I mean someone who is as good as them at playing the predator.