Screw anti vaxxers/maskers

If you are too lazy to scroll up through people’s points , then I doubt your own “research” is anything thorough or reliable

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Age, BMI, active/inactive lifestyle, anxiety and or lots of stress, vitamin D deficient, comorbidities? Lots of factors in play

Thats how we get part of the news so its part of the conversation by default

Wait pizza got banned

Could very well be, but best bet is just proper vitamin D levels. Flu “season” only happens during winter because that’s when we don’t get enough of it due to inability to synthesize it thanks to the proper UV light we need doesn’t penetrate in northern territories. Otherwise the flu is still going around and waiting for our immune systems to be weakened

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There is plenty of valid people and data out there that destroys the narrative . the people who only look at one side of the coin aren’t the people to be saying anyone is wrong who they disagree with.

Show me real data to back up any of what the cdc or w.h.o say , and I will admit I’m wrong.

I’m 100% sure i can show more solid data and facts to support the other side of the discussion, but in 2021 facts dont matter , its personal opinion over facts.


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Same dude. I thought it was just another allergy day.

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I’ve seen the vid. Sounds reasonable considering that it’s part of normal health maintenance. It won’t hurt to do this as we are supposed to be doing this already

Me saying I don’t want to scroll up doesn’t discredit my validity. I remember the points the person made and wanted to discuss I just didn’t remember who said. Which is y I asked them to say something if they were comfortable talking about. It would’ve been different if I went after them and hadn’t even remembered none of their points and just went spouting shit without even knowing what they said.

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I love it

Personal profit* matters over facts.

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I dont care who you are (unless you are above the professionals who have actually done credible research) , you can’t worm your way around the facts that have came out.

Just because you want to be right? Got get your 10 booster shots , encourage people to skip all the way to the slaughter House, we will be left by the end because we refused to drink the cool aid

Hold up I’m finna switch to my computer before my next this is too much to text.


Science tiddy-fucking Logic, this shit A-GAIN! Or maybe people should talk to their doctors about their health and risk factors and make up their own minds about what to do. And, just putting it out there, maybe people should put some effort into their own health rather than doing Jack and Shit (and Jack left town) and expecting others to bend the knee to their unhealthy asses!

I got Covid. I also got the Pfizer shots (very mild side effects, btw. Just some fatigue and soreness of the site), and I can say that all of them are basically therapeutics, not true vaccines, much like a flu shot on steroids. The fact that one can still contract and transmit covid after getting the shots proves that it’s not a vaccine. That said, it’s still a good idea IF you and your doctor concur that it’d be good for you. Or don’t and accept the risks and let’s all move the fuck on with life.

This shit is here stay. Forever. Because it’s a virus. We just have to adapt. And, like all viruses, it WANTS to survive. And what they do, over time, to survive is mutate to become more transmissable, yet less deadly. Depending on the virus, that could happen later rather than sooner and all we can do is use the medicines we have to try to mitigate the risks and research new medicines. Thats it. Thats all we got.

And all the Trump bs? Trump got the ball rolling for the shots, via policy and funding. Then he got the shots. He also tested positive for covid and used existing therapeutics and wound up fine. And before anyone shouts, " BUT THOSE WERENT APPROVED! AHHHHHH! HE SAID TO DRINK BLEACH! AHHHHHH!"… Those were old, safe medications. And when things get down to the wire, you throw the kitchen sink at the problem and pray. And some stuff was effective in early stages. It’s OK. And no, he never said to drink bleach. Listen to the whole audio clip. That’s retarded. So just voting for Trump does not mean you hate medicine.

Also, let’s not forget that before the election, ALL of the leftists were squealing that they’d never get the Trump vaccine because it’d be shit, but then the minute creepy Uncle Joey Joe Joe Jr. Shabadoo got into office, they jumped on that bandwagon so fast, you’d think the Flash ran by you! So can that shit!

Make up your own mind and STFU…PLEASE!!!

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You know I’m in agreement with you right? I’m just poking fun at how Pfizer and ilk like them are killing and lying to millions if not billions of people just for profit… and population control

Having said so much, you know you’ll have to say 10 times more just to back it up, and the kicker is that it may not matter none 😂

I’m glad you said it though. It’s a good summary of where we should be right now studies proving ivermectin is effective and safe same thing for HQC

“But but but wuff, if those drugs are safe, effective and cheap then why are they being smeared on the media and doctors are unable to prescribe them?!”

Ah my dear reader do I have news for you! Did you know the FDA can not authorize an emergency use for a vaccine/drug if there already exists an effective and readily available treatment?

d. No Alternatives
For FDA to issue an EUA, there must be no adequate, approved, and available alternative to the candidate product for diagnosing, preventing, or treating the disease or condition. A potential alternative product may be considered “unavailable” if there are insufficient supplies of the approved alternative to fully meet the emergency need. A potential alternative product may be considered “inadequate” if, for example, there are contraindicating data for special circumstances or populations (e.g., children, immunocompromised individuals, or individuals with a drug allergy), if a dosage form of an approved product is inappropriate for use in a special population (e.g., a tablet for individuals who cannot swallow pills), or if the agent is or may be resistant to approved and available alternative products.

From their own website!

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Oh and here’s a doctor testifying before congress about ivermectin (the same congress who was using these treatments but not releasing that info until a whistle-blower came out with that)

Real world example of its efficacy

I mean, if I really needed to, I could screenshot the vaccine card they give you when you get the shots, but I ain’t gonna. And if folks need info, they can do their own homework, just like in skewl. Ya gotta do you own work, not copy the nerdy kids work or just read the cliff notes. That don’t work. Ya gotta look EVERYWHERE at ALL of the info, not just the hard lefts or hard rights info. The answer is somewhere in the middle, which is what I try to guide people to. Some regular-ass common sense. And pundits etc seem to think everyone is the same, not that every person ever has their own unique medical history, therfore all treatments should be handled on a case by case basis.

This isn’t difficult. Just gotta treat this like every other virus. Back in the day, there was smallpox and polio and those old timers got that shit sorted, but it took time. We gotta be patient and calm the fuck down. Both sides. Calm down and STFU!!! And the pundits should all retire, take their bags of fear-money and fuck off into the sunset. There ain’t one of em I’d lift a finger to save if they were drowning in a foot of water. Politicians too. Every last mother-fuckin one of em. Ok, I’m ranting now. Gonna stop. Take it easy, all.

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