SELF REVIVE SYRETTE DOES NOT WORK!!! Repeat self revive doesn’t work!!!!

Self revive doesn’t work it stops about 3 quarters of the way we are all f****!!! The loading bar will go as if it’s going to work but stops 3 quarters of the way and stops!!! It doesn’t work now after patch 3.1.0 wasn’t like that before this patch please fix this right away I use this every single game!!!


good, its OP anyways

Dude stop commenting on everything these aren’t up for discussion it’s a bug report as in there is something wrong with the game and it needs to be fixed regardless of how you feel about it

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ill comment on what i want, thanks

its called a forum

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Stop using self revive, if you get good you don’t need it.

Also, yes, good. I can’t wait to squat down by players using it and watch them try to revive and it fails and I spam WANT SUM CUNDY until they quit.

That makes zero sense you’d get good if you stopped commenting on bug reports all day long and actually played the game

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I am good. And I don’t use it. It’s such a useless item, like I’ll just put you back down the second you use it and stand up. There so many better gear to equip.

And I can’t play the game if I’m at work, dopey.

english do be good yes?

Its before noon, my brain isn’t functioning properly yet.

I don’t know why you’re coming at me like that but regardless of how you feel about it a lot of people use it and enjoy having the ability to revive yourself. Im sure you’re unaware because this is probably the only game you play but every modern first person shooter has a self revive and it’s what a lot of people are used to so your ego aside people die in video games it’s a part of playing the game and it’s broken. You act like you don’t die as fireteam?? And when I and a lot of other players die we would like the ability to revive ourselves and you can “be good” at the game and use a self revive im not going to tell you how to play so don’t tell me how to play and so what if I am bad why do you care let me enjoy what I enjoy and stop telling me how to play the game I like self revive like many others.



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Yup, this happened to me three times yesterday - stops about 7/8 into self-administering. I have SRs in all my builds, cuz I can’t rely on public teams for sh*t.