Semi-Finals Loser Match Recordings: Blue Gekkos (Team 1) vs Nightstorm (Team 3)

This will serve as a General Discussion Post and Recording Drop Off for the Semi-Finals Loser Bracket Match in Season 1: Season of Unblooded. The next match will be the Championship Match between Catholic Priests (Team 5) vs Blue Gekkos (Team 1)

Recordings for this Semi-Final Match arrive in a day or so.


They better 😡 (arrive in a day or so)

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lol idk man last I heard no one HAS to post if they don’t want to

Pick straws then, but someone post

im sure dovah will

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It’ll be awhile before my video is up
And Dovah is doing his editing/upload right now

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Also we’re trying to set up the final match against team 5 right now

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Great. Much appreciated

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Thanks for a fast upload. GG. Nice convos in the end. Losing team sounded a bit salty, but held composure. Good to see that. Looking forward to the Final.

P.s.: omg the crashes and glitches

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Losing team were the mods

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Good. They set a standard of how not to be a sore loser


I should be ready to link my POV of the Final match after work


What are overall thoughts about this artificial balance so far? Any adjustments to be made for future tournaments?

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Can’t really say
Because everyone can work around any limitations or hindrance.
You have to be able to adapt to any situation thrown your way, back off if you can, or try thinking outside the box.
But your opponent can also try to predict what you might do next, like in the game of chess

All in all I had some fun moments, some teeth grinding experiences, and a lot of tense moment. This was a good experience


A lot of tense moments at the start of the tournament. It got a bit more comfortable as things progressed, but they were still there because of the delay between matches. I liked the competitive atmosphere a lot.


Scheduling was a nightmare of a task for team leaders, or at least it was for me

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I can imagine. Trans may have 4-6 people and you probably need at least 2-3 hours of free time for matches, breaks, to set up recording equipment. And not to mention possible pre match training.