Separate Jump & Climb keys?

Does that exist?
If not, is it possible to add?
So many times, I just want to hop over something and end up climbing up a tree.


what you want to do is bind Jump and Interact as separate buttons also Jump and Branch switch have to be different also
on PS4 you can do this don’t know about PC though

Thank you very much!
That works well.

Since the latest patch climbing trees is no longer tied to “interact”. Before that, I bind “Leap/Jump/Interact” to R1 and it worked pretty well for me, but now theres no way functioning way to bind leap and branch switch to one button sadly. Haven’t figured out a better solution for me now

What are your specific keybindings if I may ask?

if i’m going against a premade i usually switch out mimicry wheel with Melee this is so you can do wristblade cancels which lets you hit with wrist blades much faster and while sprinting at full speed it also let’s you cancel a bunch of other animations

in a perfect world i’d have Target iso on the same key as mimicry wheel cause i don’t know what it can’t be done but mimicry wheel is a hold button anyway target is a press don’t know why these are seperate keys specially when iso has prereq’s before it can occur anyway then i’d have an extra dedicated button for melee cancling

I agree with the first post