Servers, p2p, and the death of PHG

So, the last content update was Hunting Party 3 on Dec 3rd ‘22. It’s been nearly 3 months since then, so it’s safe to assume that was the final drop.

As far as servers go, all games that lose their revenue stream eventually shut down dedicated server support, because you’re just throwing away money at that point.

When should we anticipate the servers will finally go offline, and, when they do, will we be able to play p2p public matches?

This game is already P2P, servers are only there for matchmaking and exchange data between peers. They are not dedicated servers that are actually running the game. This is why disconnections end the match if the server cannot reassign the host in time.

It will probably impact ping and matchmaking times, but also the cost of operating the servers is very low, so maybe they won’t shut them off for a while… Who knows

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If this truly is the case, which I somewhat doubt, could this game exist for play in perpetuity?

Such a dramatic title “death of PHG”.
The game is still running last time I played it.

Maybe you should rephrase it to “death of cosplay DLC Preds”.
I’ll give you one hint tho, we still didn’t get the Tank Pred. I think that one could be the final DLC.
After that, who knows…

Also what Jelou said, it’s true. The game doesn’t have dedicated servers, also this

and this cost for Sony and Epic, is literally dust on the table.
This game is a Sony’s freebie, meaning they are often giving it for free along with some other games to their PSN+ users, so having a free Predator game to give in their “arsenal” is far from bad.


Good points. This was the type of feedback I was looking for. Sorry about the “death of PHG” hyperbole.

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This game will ddiiieeeeee muwhahahahaha

I’m waiting everyday and starving myself until they release Tank…no i’m kidding. Tank sucks ass.

This game been dead lmao.
Just cause you enjoy it dont mean it’s not dead.

People can still play AVP from 2010 even after a decade, this game is not going anywhere any time soon, dont know why so many wannabe widows of this game get wet over it dying


technically no, because you need to log on to servers for level validation. If those servers are turned off, then it would be like running the game without internet access, which means it can’t be played.

Unless they release a patch to address that which will probably turn crossplay off

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Relatively speaking, this game is dead as it’s active population is so miniscule to the point where you run into the same players over and over, match after match.

Just because the game is still “playable” doesn’t mean anything.

Sure you can claim it’s still alive and blah blah blah…but truth is game is gone down the drain.