Shaders We Want!

Yep this is what I was talking about when I said don’t switch up once you got ur pc!

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Because you are startin shit bro. Don’t act like you aren’t. I hadn’t said shit about your stupid ass logos just the fact adding a melon shader in the game is stupid as fuck. There’s a difference. And stupid suggestions like this for no reason or backing behind it other than some stupid cultist joke is why they ignore the majority on the forums.

I’ve put in 2 suggestions and gave detailed reasoning why they should be in and actually backed up my case and guess what? Ended up in the game. Can’t say the same for ya’ll because oh wait, ya’ll troll constantly and wonder why they don’t listen.

Has nothing to do with having a PC. I don’t even play this game on PC. It’s about the fact of tired of people with the stupid troll shit and it’s exactly why they ignore people on the forums. Hamlet has outright said he hates trolls and the stupid shit on the forums and why they don’t talk to the majority because of it.

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Ok you seriously need to chill the fuck out and get off your high horse.

The whole melon thing ain’t trolling, and I haven’t seen anyone else really trolling who’s a melon.

You’re doing the typical shit of trying to put a negative labels on something just cause you dont like it.

A watermelon shader wouldnt be stupid.
It’s no different then the other colorful shades we got.

You’re trying to accuse me of starting shit, when you just came out nowhere calling the melon shader retarded for no reason.

So all I did was call something you like retarded, and boom, look at you, you snap and start talking all this shit, actually trying to start shit.

How bout if you cant take it, don’t dish it then?

Seriously you at one point seemed to be cool, now you’re all uppity and shit.

Fucking crazy how you cant/refuse to see you’re own fault.


How are we Trolling? We are not starting anything! We are just a group of Players that formed a Clan thats just happens to be called Melon-men. Like ohhhh you cant make your Predator. So what the same goes for everyone here we cant make Predator we want.

Like why is it such a problem to want a watermelon ft armor set? Like wow so bad!


You keep calling it stupid troll shit, still trying to paint it in a negative light, simply because you dont like it.

Pretty fucking childish.

Your perception is warped.


We a cult apparently


Difference is calling an idea stupid and giving my reasons, vs you just attacking something of mine just to get even because you didn’t agree. That’s starting shit and not at fault for shit.

Not uppity, just I actually put forth ideas with a reason and back it up. You don’t.

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You call everyone’s perception warped that doesn’t agree with you. Nothing new. Same childish bullshit as always.

Because we already have a massive amount of colorful shaders that make you stand out like a sore thumb when not cloaked and even more standard shaders stick out as well. So, I want to see something that can be just as good of a natural camo as well as the cloak

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I love how even now, you’re still trying to justify being able to talk shit about what you dont like, but no ones allowed to say anything about what you like.

Because that’s what your response translates to.

“I can talk shit about what others like but if they do it to me then its wrong and they’re trolls.”

How do you not get that’s what you’re saying?

And honestly, ya, I think a gecko in a hoody looks pretty stupid.
So you dont like the melon shader idea?
Well I dont like your logo.

Why can you say something but I cant?

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I call it warped cause it’s not trolling.
You’re seeing it as something its not, means you’re looking at it through a warped angle.

You cant decide if its trolling or not simply because you donot like it.

The childish one is you.
You wanna criticize but cant take any.

What else is new?

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And its a game camouflage does not work on this game at all so again why does it matter

Whatever dude, you don’t like my logo. Good for fuckin you, but the melon idea is stupid and I stand by it and my reasons. You want to diss my logo to get even whatever. But, least be straight about it.

And literally you’ve called everyone warped that hasn’t agreed with you nothing new there. 30 year old grown ass man acts like he knows better than everyone. Same shit new day.

Done talkin to you dude. Tired of you always thinking you are right every single debate on these forums.

Tell, that to Kayne who has a game camo between armor and skin that blends into the environment on some maps


No its because you cant decide why other people are doing things.
You are not them.
You are not in control.

The melon thing can be stupid to you, that’s fine.
But it’s not trolling.

Yes you’re not automatically right so you want nothing to do with it.
Yet I’m the childish one.

Get pissed all you want tho, doesnt take away from what ive said.

I’m going by what’s actually happening you’re only going by how you feel.
And since that’s getting ignored you’re getting all pissed off and upset.

I’m not going to go by your perception especially When it’s only focused on how you feel.

Stick to facts.
Then I might listen.


Ya sure were a cult lol.
Sigh I hate that theres so many people who are that self centered.

Shits annoying.
Then everything they do they try to accuse you of it.

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Yeah. So its bad that we are being funny? I feel it would be great if they added something like a melon shader cause they listened then and then we know it’s possible


It literally wouldnt be any different from the red and purple shader lol.

This wholes things stupid.
I wasnt even trying to make it that big a deal, but I can’t stand that shit.

He wants free reign into say whatever he wants but the moment someone says he doesn’t like he wants to attack and silence it.