
apparently the shield does not function at all if you deploy it and can’t see the red energy around the shield itself. @Doom

several content creators have video proof, here’s one from samhain.

and cmon, if you’re gonna make it a WEAPON option, at least give it melee attacks instead of wrist blades only. in the movie, feral used it quite effectively when he was in an offensive position



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I feel like that would make people use it more offensively and neglect the shield and what it’s supposed to be used for and in return would just be another melee weapon. So to that point I understand why Illfonic decided not to make it a melee weapon and am grateful for it because I have had countless epic memories already so far from multiple different predators and my buddies as well.

No. Shield isn’t effective like that.
It need to be more various in many situation.

It’s very effective you’re probably using it wrong… not saying I don’t want it to be a melee weapon im just saying I like the way it is

I don’t see any other use for this than to make the FT lose ammunition.
But good players will stop shooting when they see you using it. This weapon does not stop knives or explosives. It is restricted to a purely defensive function and is also linked to energy.

Thank you for the video - Ill get this up to our team to look into further.


Thank you for all your support 🙏

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You look at phg all wrong my friend. See this game isn’t always about having a use for things it’s simply about having fun! Playing with your prey with ANYTHING and everything you have at your disposal and the shield right there at the top! Did the city hunter have a use for asking that dude if he wanted some candy??? No! He’s trolling and that’s exactly what the shield is for man come on have some fun with this game you don’t always need to have the best weapons and gear have some fun and try making some good laughs or memories for someone else playing… obviously you’re right against death squads though it’s definitely useless and just a time waster at that point but I love the shield lol

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I can see you 2 being 2 different clans of Predators fighting over a dispute lol

😂😂💀 I’d be in jungle hunters clan preaching honor and toying with your prey and he would be in berserkers bad blood clan only using the most overpowered s *** 😂😂😂

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lol 😂

I mean I get it, when I first played this game it was the quickest way to kill them before they finished the objective and later dang I did some sick things, I once forced one of the fireteam members to let me kill his team and spare him, then afterwards told him he had to live with himself with that decision his whole life lol 😂

I play it for fun, that’s for sure.
Afterwards, I don’t have fun getting smashed because I use the Shield.
If I have to play against a big team and with the aim of winning, this is surely the last weapon to take.
This weapon in its state is not effective…
She’s borderline fun, yes… But that’s all.
As for the rest, everyone has their own opinion.
But if the weapon gets better, that won’t stop you from having fun with it I guess.

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Holydamn, a moderator!

Sir, tell the developers to add some new freaking game modes, the game needs them.
Also please notify them to add more character slots, or it wouldn’t make sense to even buy new DLCs!

2v6 would be great.
Hunt only.

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So I’m confused if we are playing a game where it’s 1v4 is it because of the 1st movie? Because we know now with proper lore, Predators hunt in packs of 3 or more if they are young bloods about to be Bloodied so wouldn’t be fair to have 3v4? Of course balancing would be a issue but what you can do is nerf fireteam and buff predators and it will be what it was supposed to be, PREDATOR HUNTING GROUNDS hell even the SUPER PREDATORS hunted in 3s!