Shoulder lambs please, deactivate grease function at night

No need to grease in the night. This function should be deactivated at night.

Add shoulder lambs for fireteam

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Shoulder mounted lambs?..

Love it.


December DLC confirmed


It’s an added layer of stealth since Predator needs thermal to see Fireteam clearly at night.

You’re telling me I don’t need to grease myself up in the night? Well you’re right I don’t… but I want to.

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But it’s totally useless they better deactivate this

Tbh I have no idea what you’re talking about with greasing and shoulder lambs.

I believe he means mud and shoulder lamps. But I prefer shoulder lambs.

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Me too, stares longingly at my greased up body to my shoulder lamb.

Still his request doesn’t really make sense. In the first movie Arnold mudded up at night in his fight against JH and it worked until he fell in the water and lost it. Also just because it’s night time doesn’t negate their body heat so not mudding up makes no sense. As for the shoulder lamps, wouldn’t they standout more than using thermal? They’re better off fixing NV especially since they’re “technically” supposed to be a stealthy (I use that word loosely) infiltration team. Giving them a flashlight goes against that.

Yeah, I agree.
But what’s the issue with NV at the moment? I mean, I know the predator shows up pretty clearly, but if you’re in an area with lighting then using it is kind of horrible. So feels like a decent trade-off to me.


NV atm is too bright anywhere that isn’t absolutely pitch black which there aren’t many areas that are like this.

You are better off not using NV since the pred is easier to spot without it especially after they’ve been hurt since their green blood lights up like a Christmas tree. When they’re hurt they leave a very easy to track trail that really can’t be seen with NV.

Doesn’t help that NV is green, pred blood is green, and the marker for a spotted pred is also green, on top of it being too bright. Add all these together and you get wombo combo of uselessness.