Shoutout to the Super Predators great design

Topic only dedicated to give a bit of credit to some of my favorite yautja designs of them all, the Super trio:

(in the second picture Mr.Black (Berserker) seems much taller than Falconer and Tracker, but it’s just the prospective of the photo)

The first time I watched the movie I was very disappointed by the Supers performance, but watching it again and again while growing, I realized that their deaths made sense,
yet I still think that some of them should have been used better (like the poor Tracker guy) and that the fact that they’re called “Super” Predators should have been shown better in the movi, making them do something that is really “superior” compared to a classic Predator.
But still it’s a very good movie imho, and they look great.

Hope you like them too, and let’s hope to see Tracker coming soon in PHG (together with a new game mode).


Would love to see tracker added with a 3 pred hunt mode whatever it may be.

That way we have the ability to produce 2010 Predators and AvP style hunting parties with the customizations we got.

Very excited for the future of the game and what else they can bring to it!!!


Oh man, imagine the arrival animation. It’s an empty juggle at first but your hear clicking and your pred alongside the other two players’ preds all uncloak one by one, standing around eachother before all roaring. And then the match starts.


Awesome photos man! Where’d you find these


Writing “set photos” in the search and digging a bit, also from AvP Galaxy (best site), aand on an italian AvP forum.

Gonna be fucking EPIC!!!


No Tracker pisses me off. He was my favourite out of the bunch. Better have a good reason for excluding him.


Yeah so we can have a knock JH obviously.


I think that the presence of Captured, and therefore the absence of Tracker, is to blame on those who constantly asked for the Jungle Hunter.

I was happy with the idea of having the skin puchasable one day, but I didn’t really asked for it; for me Tracker, or Wolf (or the other Supers that we got) were far cooler than having JH, since we already had Elder wich is basically an older JH.


Anyone else think they added these 3 to prepare for the leaked mode gauntlet


Let’s hope so.


Can only hope

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Sounds plausible. That would be badass if they released gauntlet mode witj a game preserve map with the cages hanging in the trees, the river ghosts as AI, the skyline with planets, predator camp, etc. And if you play as FT your dropped in the same way as the movie.

@Kassinaillia what say you? 😉


Future DLC


Their design is terrible

Both of them are so skinny

Their biceps are basically the largest part of them lol

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…the movie ones or those in the game?


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