I would love seeing some different design of your Hunter and Huntress.
This is my Girl Aihrui:
Maybe one of your girl or boy could be a cousin of her. 🥰
I would love seeing some different design of your Hunter and Huntress.
This is my Girl Aihrui:
Maybe one of your girl or boy could be a cousin of her. 🥰
I follow you on YouTube, so I’ve seen your huntress. She looks good and hunts well! 🍺🍺
Edit: I only use Elder and City Hunter, so no Hunters to show.
Thank you.
Though I experience some frame drops with the game on my gaming notebook. I hope that it will be fixed with the next update from Illfonic and me and a buddy together trying to adjust it.
I noticed. Sometimes very choppy, but sometimes very smooth.
I was happy that I wasn’t the only one. 😂
I have no clue how to post my picture because it says it’s to large of a file. God I feel like a dumbass
I linked mine from stash (DeviantArt Feature).
You need to upload it to a website like FB or IG first, that will reduce the size. Or just email it to yourself and reduce it when you send it
I cant share.
I eat souls.
Here is my Hunter, Yeetja (bc of those combistick yeets):
He is the first Pred I started with, and he has just evolved from there.
instantly reminded me of lasershot
I hate that bitch.
In a good way.
Cause shes took your soul. XD
I never thought of a name to give her but in the end I kinda like this sort of “mistery” around her.
(p.s. If they’ll ever put black/dark armor I’ll change it with that)
You stole mah color scheme.
Now back to being serious, I’d rather have her armor all black including her mask. I’m just using this scheme because I think it’s the darkest armor setup in the game for now. The day we’ll get black/dark armor will be the day I’ll remove her warpaint and change her armor but until then she’s staying like this ahahah.
Ya I feel ya on that.
Black would be cool.
I’ll post mine when I go on break