Show tapes as their own icon when scanned

Good afternoon developers!

I would like to suggest that when utilizing the UAV scanner, tapes show up as their own unique icon on the mini map. As it currently stands, they show up as the small diamond indicator which is identical to the VT. It appears as though we have a unique icon for everything except the tapes. I’m not sure if this was in error or even possibly a bug so I’m posting photos for your review.

As you can see below, I have the tape scanned and if you look on the mini map, the indicator is a diamond. Please consider giving the tapes their own unique icon. Thanks in advance!


You gots to worky work for those tapes

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OP is right quite frankly. UAV marks it as VT, but when you spot it with your actual bind, it shows up on your HUD as its own icon. Seems a bit counterintuitive to me. I second OP here.


Wait, what?
I swear they used to show up as a tape icon when using the UAV before.


I would’ve thought so as well. I think Illfonic made a little mistake when they were coding the HUD vs MiniMap icons. I’m confident in saying that it is a mistake for the tapes to show up as VT on the MiniMap but not on your HUD.



Can you please see that this makes its way to “Bug Reports” so the developers are aware of how the tapes are currently scanned. It seems like the current icon may in fact be in error.

Thanks so much!

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I could just be misremembering, but either way, it needs to be fixed.

Do you remember what icon it shows on your actual game screen?

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When you say, “actual game screen”, do you mean immediately after I scan and all the icons pop up all over for a few seconds before they disappear?

If so, no I’m not sure what it shows as. I don’t believe I’ve ever seen a particular icon to indicate the tapes location. However @Filliam says it’s definitely showing up on the HUD as a unique icon.

Next time I see a tape in game, I’ll take a screenshot and post it on this thread. Shouldn’t take long. I usually find at least one a night.

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Yeah. Sorry, I couldn’t think of the right way to word it.

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You’re right, the tapes do in fact have their own unique icon on the HUD display. I just took the below screenshots.

Developers, please add the correct icon for the tapes onto the mini map. If you see below, you will see the correct icon displayed for the tape on the HUD. Thank you in advance! 👍🏻

Nice to know I was right. Funny enough, I haven’t found an OWLF tape since I replied to you xD
Glad we were able to clear this up!


They do pop up with the UAV scanner as the OWLF tapes icon, and when simply marking them. Even after having them all, I still mark them when I see them for my teammates, and they show up as a tape icon. Actually, I think I even marked a few tonight and they showed up as tape icons.


Then how would you explain Xenomorph’s case where they weren’t able to have the correct icon show up on the minimap while using the UAV? Is it a map dependent or item spawn location dependent issue?

Notice how the unique tape icon shows up on your HUD, but the mini map only shows the veritanium icon?

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